Items where Year is 2021

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[183] research outputs


Alhabill, F. N., Bhabha, H., Harmer, S. W., Vaughan, A. S., Wang, Y. and Qiang, D. (2021) On the Dynamics of Moisture Absorption and Its Impact on Dielectric Properties of Epoxy Networks under DC and AC Voltages. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 28 (5). pp. 1677-1685. ISSN 1558-4135

Alhabill, F. N., Vaughan, A. S., Anani, N. and Andritsch, T. (2021) Effect of stoichiometry on AC and DC breakdown of silicon nitride/epoxy nanocomposites. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 28 (4). pp. 1231-1237. ISSN 1558-4135

Andrew, S. (2021) Paper Trails: The Social Life of Archives and Collections. UCL Press.

Augustus, S., Hudson, P. E., Harvey, N. and Smith, N. A. (2021) Whole-body energy transfer strategies during football instep kicking: implications for training practices. Sports biomechanics. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1752-6116

Augustus, S., Hudson, P. E. and Smith, N. A. (2021) The effect of approach velocity on pelvis and kick leg angular momentum conversion strategies during football instep kicking. Journal of Sports Sciences. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0264-0414

Austin, K., Lee, B. J., Flood, T. R., Toombs, J., Borisova, M., Lauder, M. A., Heslegrave, A., Zetterberg, H. and Smith, N. A. (2021) Serum neurofilament light concentration does not increase following exposure to low velocity football heading. Science and Medicine in Football, 5 (3). pp. 188-194. ISSN 2473-4446


Barakat, B., Taha, A., Samson, R., Steponenaite, A., Ansari, S., Langdon, P. M., Wassell, I. J., Abbasi, Q. H., Imran, M. A. and Keates, S. (2021) 6G Opportunities Arising from Internet of Things Use Cases: A Review Paper. Future Internet, 13 (6). e159. ISSN 1999-5903

Baseley, E. (2021) Music and Autism: Therapy and Learning for the Autistic Musician. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Bishop, C., Turner, A., Read, P., Chavda, S., Bromley, T. and Lake, J. P. (2021) The effects of a competitive soccer match on jump performance and inter-limb asymmetries in elite academy soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35 (6). pp. 1707-1714. ISSN 1064-8011

Bishop, C., Lake, J. P., Loturco, I., Papadopoulos, K., Turner, A. and Read, P. (2021) Interlimb Asymmetries: The Need for an Individual Approach to Data Analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35 (3). pp. 695-701. ISSN 1064-8011

Bishop, C., Turner, A., Read, P., Lake, J. P. and Loturco, I. (2021) A novel approach for athlete profiling: The unilateral dynamic strength index. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35 (4). pp. 1023-1029. ISSN 1064-8011

Bonnie, A. S. (2021) How art and choreographic objects can be used as a catalyst for environmental change: specifically, in relation to the plastic pollution crisis. Masters thesis, University of Chichester.

Bowman, E. (2021) The art of gaming: a reimagining of the post-apocalyptic video game ‘The Last of Us’, and how its mechanical and storytelling features can be used as a choreographic blueprint. Masters thesis, University of Chichester.

Brandrick, C., Hooper, N., Roche, B., Kanter, J. and Tyndall, I. (2021) A Comparison of Ultra-Brief Cognitive Defusion and Positive Self-Affirmation Interventions on the Reduction of Public Speaking Anxiety. Psychological Record, 71. pp. 109-117. ISSN 0033-2933

Brown, K. (2021) Christian Castles and Saracen Strongholds: Islamic Architectures contribution to Crusader Castle Architecture and Post-Crusade Castle Architecture, c. 1000-1400. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichetser.

Buckley, C., Farrell, L. and Tyndall, I. (2021) Brief stories of successful female role models in science help counter gender stereotypes regarding intellectual ability among young girls: A pilot study. Early Education and Development, 33 (4). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1040-9289

Burrell, R. (2021) FASHION: A CALL TO REVOLT The Role of Sixties Fashion in the Lead up to the Women’s Liberation Movement in Britain. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Chaieb, N. (2021) How difference and diversity of opinion within the women’s militant suffrage movement led to the formation of the Women’s Freedom League, 1903-1914. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Charman, S. and Bennett, S. J. (2021) Understanding voluntary resignations from the police service. CoPaCC, London, UK.

Charman, S. and Bennett, S. J. (2021) Voluntary resignations from the police service: the impact of organisational and occupational stressors on organisational commitment. Policing and Society. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1043-9463

Charman, S. and Bennett, S. J. (2021) Over and out: Understanding the rise of voluntary resignations from the police service. Policing Insight. ISSN 2634-7822

Checkley, S. (2021) A systematic observation: Secondary school physical education teachers’ behaviours on questioning. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Clark, S. (2021) Anglo-Hanseatic Relations 1241 – 1441: Monopoly, Privilege, Ambition: The expansion of the Hanseatic League in England and its subsequent decline, within the context of Northern Europe. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Comfort, P., McMahon, J., Jones, P.A., Cuthbert, M., Kendall, K., Lake, J. P. and Haff, G. G. (2021) Effects of spaceflight on musculoskeletal health: a systematic review and meta-analysis, considerations for interplanetary travel. Sports Medicine, 51 (10). pp. 2097-2114. ISSN 0112-1642

Cook, M. D., Dunne, A., Bosworth, M. and Willems, M. E. T. (2021) Effect of Intake Duration of Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract on Cardiovascular Responses and Femoral Artery Diameter during Sustained Submaximal Isometric Contraction. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 20 (1). pp. 15-27. ISSN 1939-0211

Cook, L. (2021) ‘The Nation Wakes Up’: Changes in the Educational System in Post-War Britain. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Costello, R., Keane, K., Lee, B. J., Willems, M. E. T., Myers, S. D., Myers, F., Lewis, N. A. and Blacker, S. D. (2021) Plasma uptake of selected phenolic acids following New Zealand blackcurrant extract supplementation in humans. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 19 (5). pp. 672-688. ISSN 1939-0211

Cotterill, M. (2021) Social work with UK Armed Forces veterans in the Criminal Justice System: A critical examination of the characteristics and needs of veterans, the barriers to practice, and how they can be overcome. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Coulthwaite, N. (2021) A comparison of the anthropometric and fitness differences between British university netballers. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Crisp, C. J. (2021) The Clarinet and Clarinettists in London Orchestras from the 1760s to the 1790s. In: A handbook for studies in 18th-century English music XXV. A handbook for studies in 18th-century English music, XXV . Gerald Coke Handel Foundation, pp. 27-52. ISBN 9781916639140

Crisp, C. J. (2021) Music-Making in the Hertfordshire Parish, 1760-1870. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press,, America.

Crisp, P. (2021) Community engagement, extending higher education student learning and raising aspirations of primary school children: initial reflections. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 23 (1). pp. 169-177. ISSN 1466-6529

Crisp, P. (2021) The Effectiveness of Sport within Social Intervention Projects: A UK Case Study. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 89 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 1899-4849

Crisp, P. and Bright, D. (2021) COVID-19, lockdowns, and blended learning: Students’ perceptions, and academics’ reflections, of moving to online sports coaching classes. In: Discovering Learners' and Educators' Experiences and Perceptions. IKSAD Publishing House, Turkey, pp. 19-42. ISBN 9786258007145

Crisp, P. and Bright, D. (2021) Risk vs. Hazard: Is it time to redefine our view of dangerous sports? Journal of Emerging Sport Studies, 6. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2562-3184

Crisp, P. and Sims, J. (2021) Public health concerns and increased risk of severe COVID-19 disease through androgen use. Current Opinion in Endocrinology Diabetes Obesity, 28 (6). pp. 625-629. ISSN 1752-296X

Curran, E. (2021) An exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on secondary school teachers' stress and lifestyle behaviour adoption. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Custard, J. (2021) Investigating students, teachers and parents' value of school delivered swimming lessons. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Danoune, M.B., Djafour, A., Wang, Y. and Gougui, A. (2021) The Whale Optimization Algorithm for efficient PEM fuel cells modeling. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (75). pp. 37599-37611. ISSN 0360-3199

Das, R., Wang, Y., Busawon, K., Putrus, G. and Neaimeh, M. (2021) Real-time multi-objective optimisation for electric vehicle charging management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 292. ISSN 0959-6526

Datson, N., Lolli, L., Drust, B., Atkinson, G., Matthew, W. and Warren, G. (2021) Inter-methodological quantification of the target change for performance test outcomes relevant to elite female soccer players. Science and Medicine in Football, 6 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2473-3938

Delaney, E. (2021) An exploration of the role of convention bureaus in competing for international association conferences. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Downer, G. (2021) Misrepresentation and misdiagnosis: An investigation into the female autistic experience and how it is affected by male-centric medicine and media. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Duck, C. (2021) A 21st century view of breast feeding in the England: A qualitative study on the experience of breastfeeding of 20 women in the United Kingdom. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Edwards, B. and Lyndon, S. (2021) From adversity to university - the transformational power of a bespoke bridging module to support those affected by homelessness into higher education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 23 (1). pp. 102-122. ISSN 1466-6529

Everley, S. (2021) Physical Literacy and the development of Girls’ Leadership: An Evaluation of the English Football Association’s Active Literacy Through Storytelling Programme. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 50 (5). pp. 668-683. ISSN 0300-4279

Everley, S. (2021) Using Creative Arts-Based Research Methods in School Settings: Understanding and Empowering Children and Young People. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138089440


Fairchild, N. and Mikuska, E. (2021) Emotional labor, ordinary affects and the early childhood education and care worker. Gender, Work & Organization, 28 (3). pp. 1177-1190. ISSN 0968-6673

Foyle, N. (2021) Importents. Waterloo Slims . Waterloo Press, Hove. ISBN 9781906742751

Foyle, N. (2021) The World Tree. Critical Muslim: World Order, Summer (39.3). pp. 150-170. ISSN 2048-8475


Gear, L. (2021) Analysing the successes and failures of the main UK political parties Brexit strategy 2016-19 and the historic circumstances that led them there. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Gisbey, B. (2021) "As long as I live, I will have control over my being" A study of women artists, self-portraiture, and the art of self-imaging in the Renaissance and Italian-Baroque, c.1550-c.1650. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichetser.

Greenlees, I. A., Parr, A., Murray, S. and Burkitt, E. (2021) Elite Youth Soccer Players’ Sources and Types of Soccer Confidence. Sports, 9 (11). e146. ISSN 2075-4663

Guppy, S. N., Brady, C. J., Kotani, Y., Connolly, S., Comfort, P., Lake, J. P. and Haff, G. G. (2021) A comparison of manual and automatic force-onset identification methodologies and their effect on force-time characteristics in the isometric midthigh pull. Sports Biomechanics. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1752-6116


Hadjigeorgiou, M. (2021) Differences in the attacking phase of the French national team over the course of six world cups: 1998 – 2018. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Hamblin, M. (2021) An exploration into the effectiveness of using reflective practice for beginner coaches. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Harkness-Armstrong, A., Till, K., Datson, N. and Emmonds, S. (2021) Determining age-specific velocity thresholds for elite youth female soccer players. Science and Medicine in Football, 6 (5). pp. 581-588. ISSN 2473-3938

Harmer, S. W., Luff, A. J. and Gini, G. (2021) Optical Scattering from Vitreous Floaters. Bioelectromagnetics, 43 (2). pp. 90-105. ISSN 1521-186X

Harry, J., Tinsley, G., Barker, L., Lake, J. P., McMahon, J., Krzyszkowski, J. and Chowning, L. (2021) Relationships among Countermovement Vertical Jump Performance Metrics, Strategy Variables, and Inter-limb Asymmetry in Females. Sports Biomechanics. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1476-3141

Hopkinson, A. (2021) Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”: An examination of the American Enlightenment and the extent of its influence in the founding of the United States of America (1727-1776). Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Hunter, V. (2021) Site, Dance and Body: Movement, Materials and Corporeal Engagement. Documentation. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.


James, L. and Lake, J. P. (2021) Phase specific changes in the countermovement jump occur without change in peak metrics following training. Journal of Sport and Exercise Science, 5 (3). pp. 188-192. ISSN 2703-240X

John, K. (2021) People papers: the Pan-African communities and Afro-Caribbean radicals between Paulette Nardal and George Padmore c. 1918-1948. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Joinson, S. (2021) Between the Georgic and the Pastoral: The British Weald. In: A History of English Georgic Writing. Cambridge University Press, pp. 296-315. ISBN 9781009019507


Kearn, H. M. (2021) What are parents' initial feelings about sending their child to preschool? Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Khan, T. and Mikuska, E. (2021) The first three weeks of lockdown in England: The challenges of detecting safeguarding issues amid nursery and primary school closures due to COVID-19. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 3 (1). p. 100099. ISSN 2590-2911

Kurowski, A. A. (2021) Book review Claire Cameron and Peter Moss (eds), Transforming early childhood in England: Towards a democratic education, UCL Press: London, 2020; 262 pp.: ISBN 9781787357174, £25.00 (pbk). Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 22 (1). pp. 100-101. ISSN 1463-9491


Lake, J. P., Mundy, P., Comfort, P., McMahon, J., Suchomel, T. and Carden, P. (2021) The effect of barbell load on vertical jump landing force-time characteristics. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35 (1). pp. 25-32. ISSN 1064-8011

Laurent, J., Chmiel, N. and Hansez, I. (2021) Returning the Favor? Feeling Obliged and Reported Participation in Discretionary Safety Activities. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. p. 674110. ISSN 1664-1078

Laxton, D., Cooper, L. and Younie, S. (2021) Translational research in action: The use of technology to disseminate information to parents during the COVID‐19 pandemic. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52 (4). pp. 1538-1553. ISSN 1467-8535

Lee, A. M. (2021) Death by Prox(y)amity: Participation with the Pandemic through the mobile multiplayer game Among Us (2018). In: Communities and Communication, 24th April 2021, Staffodshire University (Online via Zoom).

Lewis, J. (2021) Parents and teachers' perception of outdoor play. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Light, N., Johnson, A., Williams, S., Smith, N. A., Hale, B. J. and Thorborg, K. (2021) Injuries in youth football and the relationship to player maturation: an analysis of time-loss injuries during four seasons in an English elite male football academy. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 31. pp. 1324-1335. ISSN 0905-7188

Little, B. (2021) A comparison study regarding the impact of healthy eating on the early years sector: looking at the opinions of parents and practitioners. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Liu, L., Donbavand, S., Hoskins, B., Janmaat, J. G. and Kavadias, D. (2021) Measuring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Active Citizenship Education Programmes to Support Disadvantaged Youth. Social Sciences, 10 (10). e394. ISSN 2076-0760

Logan, S. (2021) A new engagement of child protection social work with ACEs research. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Lovalekar, M., Hauret, K., Roy, T., Taylor, K., Blacker, S. D., Newman, P., Yanovich, R., Fleischmann, C., Nindl, B. C., Jones, B. and Michelle, C.-C. (2021) Musculoskeletal injuries in military personnel – descriptive epidemiology, risk factor identification, and prevention. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. ISSN 1440-2440

Lucas, S. J. E., Malein, W. L., Thomas, O. D., Ashdown, K., Rue, C. A., Joyce, K. E., Newman, C., Cadigan, P., Johnson, B., Myers, S. D., Myers, F. A., Wright, A. D., Delamere, J., Imray, C. H. E., Bradwell, A. R. and Edsell, M. (2021) Effect of losartan on performance and physiological responses to exercise at high altitude (5035 m). BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 7 (1). ISSN 2055-7647

Lynch, T. (2021) ‘Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you’: Populism, political theology and the culturally repugnant other. In: The Spirit of Populism: Political Theologies in Polarized Times. Political and Public Theologies, 1 . Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 40-56. ISBN 9789004498310

Lyndon, S. and Moss, H. (2021) Meaning-making in an intergenerational project: a dialogic narrative analysis of young children’s interactions with older adults. International Journal of Early Years Education. ISSN 0966-9760

Lyndon, S. (2021) The poverty paradox - poor practitioners supporting families in poverty. The Early Education Journal (95). ISSN 1082-3301


Ma, Z. (2021) Shenyun: restoring, cultivating, and teaching chinese classical dance to children. Masters thesis, University of Chichester.

Mackinney, R., Kelly, J. S. and Pulling, C. (2021) The Effect of Feedback Type on Academic Performance. Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 15 (1). pp. 78-93. ISSN 1750-8428

Maddocks, M. (2021) An evaluation of the views and values of site users following designation and management of an MCZ: a case study of Kingmere MCZ 2018. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Mantle, M., Singleton, D. and Warke, R. (2021) ‘Roundnet’: examining the impact of alternative activities on “behaviourally highlighted” pupils. Physical Education Matters, 16 (1). pp. 26-29. ISSN 1751-0988

Mathew, D., Chinnappa Naidu, R., Wang, Y. and Busawon, K. (2021) Single‐stage microinverter with current sensorless control for BIPV system. IET Renewable Power Generation, 15 (11). pp. 2468-2479. ISSN 1752-1416

Matthews, J. (2021) Political advances for women and sport in the mid-1990s. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1940-6959

Matthews, J. and Piggott, L. V. (2021) Gender representation & policy in international sports governance. In: 8th IWG World Conference on Women and Sport, 5-8 May 2022, New Zealand/Online. (Unpublished)

Matthews, J. and Piggott, L. V. (2021) Gender representation and policy in international sport governance. In: World Congress for the Sociology of Sport, 15-19 November 2021, Virtual/Chile. (Unpublished)

McCray, J. and Joseph-Richard, P. (2021) Doctoral students’ well-being in United Kingdom business schools: A survey of personal experience and support mechanisms. The International Journal of Management Education, 19 (2). ISSN 14728117

McMahon, J., Suchomel, T. J., Lake, J. P. and Comfort, P. (2021) Relationship between reactive strength index variants in rugby league players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35 (1). pp. 280-285. ISSN 1064-8011

McMahon, J. J., Lake, J. P., Stratford, C. and Comfort, P. (2021) A Proposed Method for Evaluating Drop Jump Performance with One Force Platform. Biomechanics, 1 (2). pp. 178-189. ISSN 2673-7078

McMorris, T. (2021) The acute exercise-cognition interaction: From the catecholamines hypothesis to an interoception model. International journal of psychophysiology, 170. pp. 75-88. ISSN 0167-8760

Mikuska, E. (2021) Emotional labour and the democratic ECEC. In: European Circular Economy Research Alliance EECERA online festival, 1-14 September 2021, Zagreb, Croatia.

Mikuska, E. (2021) The Importance of Early Childhood Education and Care for Hungarian Ethnic Minority Groups in Romania, Slovak Republic and Serbia. In: The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods. Sage, London, pp. 383-397. ISBN 9781529717815

Mikuska, E., Khan, T. and Kurowski, A. A. (2021) Home-schooling during the lockdown in England. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2560-5429

Mikuska, E. and Lyndon, S. (2021) Co-constructions, co-performances and co-reflections in early years qualitative research. Journal of Early Childhood Research. ISSN 1476-718X

Miraftabi, H., Avazpoor, Z., Berjisian, E., Sarshin, A., Rezaei, S., Domínguez, R., Reale, R., Franchini, E., Samanipour, M.H., Koozehchian, M.S., Willems, M. E. T., Rafiei, R. and Naderi, A. (2021) Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Aerobic and Anaerobic Performances of Trained Male Taekwondo Athletes: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (19). ISSN 1660-4601

Mitchell, Z. M. (2021) Her Kind: A Discovery of Witches in Women's Poetry. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Muir, N. and Holland, J. (2021) Evaluating the use of narrative pedagogy in person-centred care and human factors in perioperative practice education. International Practice Development Journal, 11 (2 (5)). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2046-9292

Mwambwa, L. A. (2021) Experiences of women leaders in the African Union Sports Council Region 5. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.


Noys, B. (2021) 'The Masses Make History’: On Jameson’s Allegory and Ideology. Historical Materialism, 29 (1). pp. 134-150. ISSN 1569-206X

Nugent, A. (2021) WILLIAM FORSYTHE, Ballet; Stuttgart Frankfurt, and the Forsythescape. In: The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Ballet. Oxford Handbooks . Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 12-28. ISBN 9780190871499


Omam, M., Willems, M. E. T. and Ebrahimi, M. (2021) Evaluation of Milk Consumption after Resistance Training on the Glycemic Control and Irisin Levels of Type II Diabetic Men: A Quasi-experimental Study. Journal of Nutrition Fasting and Health, 9 (2). pp. 146-151. ISSN 2345-2587

Orr, R., Pope, R., Lopes, T. J. A., Leyk, D., Blacker, S. D., Bustillo-Aguirre, B. S. and Knapik, J. J. (2021) Soldier Load Carriage, Injuries, Rehabilitation and Physical Conditioning: An International Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (8). ISSN 1660-4601


Packer, B., Keates, S. and Baker, G. (2021) The Creative Design-Engineer Divide: Modular Architecture and Workflow UX. In: HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Posters. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1498 (1498). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 459-470. ISBN 9783030901752

Pavey, L., Churchill, S. and Sparks, P. (2021) Proscriptive Injunctions Can Elicit Greater Reactance and Lower Legitimacy Perceptions Than Prescriptive Injunctions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48 (5). pp. 676-689. ISSN 1552-7433

Perkins, C. (2021) Dance in diversity training : an investigation into inclusive pedagogical practices. Masters thesis, University of Chichester.

Perrett, C., Bussey, M. and Lamb, P. (2021) External workload intensity in cricket fast bowlers across maximal and submaximal intensities: Modifying PlayerLoad and IMU location. Journal of Sports Sciences, 40 (5). pp. 527-533. ISSN 1466-447X

Phipps, C. (2021) Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference 2021. Leisure identities, health and wellbeing: conference review. International Journal of Spa and Wellness, 5 (1). pp. 91-94. ISSN 2472-1735

Phipps, C. and Blackall, C. B. (2021) ‘I wasn’t allowed to join the boys’: The ideology of cultural cisgenderism in a UK school. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 31 (5). pp. 1097-1114. ISSN 1468-1366

Pocock, C., Bezodis, N. E., Davids, K. and North, J. S. (2021) Effects of manipulating specific individual constraints on performance outcomes, emotions, and movement phase durations in Rugby Union place kicking. Human Movement Science, 79 (102848). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0167-9457

Price, F. (2021) Performing history: theatricality, gender, the early historical novel and Scott. In: Walter Scott at 250: looking forward. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 124-141. ISBN 9781474429870


Quinn, P. (2021) Harry Potter and the Protocols of the Order of Zion? Or carelessness, cultural memory and mythic figures. Gramarye: The Journal of the Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy, 21. pp. 9-12. ISSN 2050-2915


Randell, A. (2021) Male participation in netball. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Randell, R., Clifford, T., Drust, B., Samantha, M., Unnithan, V., De Ste Croix, M., Datson, N., Martin, D., Mayho, H., Carter, J. M. and Rollo, I. (2021) Physiological Characteristics of Female Soccer Players and Health and Performance Considerations: A Narrative Review. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 51 (7). pp. 1377-1399. ISSN 0112-1642

Rao, V., Arakeri, G., Subash, A., Ajaikumar, B.S., Patil, R., Hale, B. J. and Mendes, R. A. (2021) Decreased cancer consultations in the COVID-19 era: A concern for the delay in early cancer diagnosis in India. JCO Global Oncology. pp. 408-409.

Ray, F. (2021) The effect of pass location and pass type during the final phases of attacking play on shot outcomes during the 2019/20 English Premier League season. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Reaney, M., Gladwin, T. E., Chmiel, N. and Churchill, S. (2021) Encouraging foot care in people with and without diabetes through narrative communication. Journal of Health Psychology, 27 (9). pp. 1993-2012. ISSN 1461-7277

Rehfeldt, R. A., Tyndall, I. and Belisle, J. (2021) Music as a Cultural Inheritance System: A Contextual-Behavioral Model of Symbolism, Meaning, and the Value of Music. Behavior and Social Issues, 71. pp. 291-306. ISSN 1064-9506

Rehfeldt, R. A. and Tyndall, I. (2021) Why we are not acting to save ourselves: ACT, Health, and Culture. Behaviour Analysis in Practice. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1998-1929

Richardson, A. (2021) Gender, Space and Status in the Sixteenth-Century English Deer Park: with reference to the Framlingham Park Game Roll (1515-19) and George Penruddock's Ranger's Book (1572-5). In: Building on the Past: Essays in honour of Tom Beaumont James. BAR (British Archaeological Reports) / Hadrian Books. ISBN 9781407357812

Ritchie, L. (2021) English Home Podcast Music. [Compositions]

Ritchie, L. (2021) Yes I Can: Learn to use the power of self-efficacy. Other. Effic Research Limited.

Ritchie, L. (2021) Yes, I Can! Use the positive power of self-efficacy. [Videos]

Ritchie, L., Cervone, D. and Sharpe, B. T. (2021) Goals and Self-Efficacy Beliefs During the Initial COVID-19 Lockdown: A Mixed Methods Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. ISSN 1664-1078

Ritchie, L. and Sharpe, B. T. (2021) Music Student’s Approach to the Forced Use of Remote Performance Assessments. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. ISSN 1664-1078

Roberts, L. (2021) ‘A Bleeding Wound’: The Causes and Consequences of Gorbachev’s and the West’s Proxy War in Afghanistan. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

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