Browse by Research Entities

  • Research Entities (1)
    • Centre of Excellence for Childhood, Inclusion and Society (CECIS) (58)
Group by: CreatorsPublication Type
Number of items at this level: 58.


Edwards, B. and Lyndon, S. (2021) From adversity to university - the transformational power of a bespoke bridging module to support those affected by homelessness into higher education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 23 (1). pp. 102-122. ISSN 1466-6529

Fairchild, N. and Mikuska, E. (2021) Emotional labor, ordinary affects and the early childhood education and care worker. Gender, Work & Organization, 28 (3). pp. 1177-1190. ISSN 0968-6673

Goosen, T. and Twitchen, A. (2023) Class matters - Children's perceptions of sports coaching. Children & Society, 38 (4). pp. 1166-1189. ISSN 1099-0860

Joseph-Richard, P. and McCray, J. (2022) Evaluating leadership development in a changing world? Alternative models and approaches for healthcare organisations. Human Resource Development International. pp. 1-37. ISSN 1469-8374

Joseph‐Richard, P. and McCray, J. (2024) Doctoral students' well‐being through the lens of social practice theory: An auto‐photography study. British Educational Research Journal. pp. 1-33. ISSN 0141-1926

Khan, T. and Mikuska, E. (2023) The relationship between the supervisors and the supervisee: Experiences of PhD completers. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2560-5429

Khan, T. and Mikuska, E. (2021) The first three weeks of lockdown in England: The challenges of detecting safeguarding issues amid nursery and primary school closures due to COVID-19. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 3 (1). p. 100099. ISSN 2590-2911

Kurowski, A. A. (2021) Book review Claire Cameron and Peter Moss (eds), Transforming early childhood in England: Towards a democratic education, UCL Press: London, 2020; 262 pp.: ISBN 9781787357174, £25.00 (pbk). Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 22 (1). pp. 100-101. ISSN 1463-9491

Kurowski, A. A. (2022) COVID, home schooling and inequalities. Lublin Pedagogical Yearbook, 41 (2). pp. 41-53. ISSN 0137-6136

Kurowski, A. A. and Mikuska, E. (2023) Language, self-esteem, and academic achievement: mature students’ emotionally incited stories. Educational Role of Language Journal, 2023-1 (9). pp. 21-32. ISSN 2657-9774

Laxton, D. and Horn, A. (2022) Kate as a Pedagogical Leader: Inspiring practice improvements through block play and beyond. Early Years Educator, 24. ISSN 2052-4617

Laxton, D. and Horn, A. (2023) An early years model of transformative leadership: Becoming a change agent. Early Years Educator, 23 (21). pp. 20-21. ISSN 2052-4617

Liu, L., Donbavand, S., Hoskins, B., Janmaat, J. G. and Kavadias, D. (2021) Measuring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Active Citizenship Education Programmes to Support Disadvantaged Youth. Social Sciences, 10 (10). e394. ISSN 2076-0760

Lyndon, S. and Edwards, B. (2022) Beyond listening: the value of co-research in the co-construction of narratives. Qualitative Research, 22 (4). pp. 613-631. ISSN 1468-7941

Lyndon, S. and Edwards, B. (2023) How does learning space shape students’ experience of a bespoke Higher Education bridging module for those affected by homelessness? Journal of Further and Higher Education, 48 (1). pp. 97-109. ISSN 1469-9486

Lyndon, S. and Moss, H. (2022) Creating Meaningful Interactions for Young Children, Older Friends, and Nursery School Practitioners within an Intergenerational Project. Early Childhood Education Journal, 49 (5). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1082-3301

Lyndon, S. and Moss, H. (2021) Meaning-making in an intergenerational project: a dialogic narrative analysis of young children’s interactions with older adults. International Journal of Early Years Education. ISSN 0966-9760

Lyndon, S., Solvaso, C. and Webb, R. (2024) ‘It’s a struggle’ – the role of the school Health and Well-being Lead in supporting families in poverty. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1759-8281

Lyndon, S. (2021) The poverty paradox - poor practitioners supporting families in poverty. The Early Education Journal (95). ISSN 1082-3301

McCray, J. and Joseph-Richard, P. (2021) Doctoral students’ well-being in United Kingdom business schools: A survey of personal experience and support mechanisms. The International Journal of Management Education, 19 (2). ISSN 14728117

Mikuska, E. (2023) Conversation with my Classmates: displacement, war, and survival. Genealogy, 7 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2313-5778

Mikuska, E. (2023) "Knowledge production in academic spaces. Disturbing conferences and composing events". Journal of Posthumanism, 3 (1). pp. 73-74. ISSN 2634-3576

Mikuska, E. (2023) Policy and Governmentality of Early Childhood Education and Care in England. Pedagoška stvarnost, 68 (2). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0553-4569

Mikuska, E., Fairchild, N., Sabine, A. and Barton, S. (2023) Quality Early Childhood Education and Care practices: the importance of skills, knowledge and the Early Childhood Graduate Practitioner competences. International Journal of Early Years Education. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0966-9760

Mikuska, E. and Kurowski, A. A. (2025) The impact of gender diversity on expression - the language of sexuality - how early childhood studies students understand the semantics of gender dysphoria. Educational Role of Language Journal, 2024-2 (12). pp. 75-89. ISSN 2657-9774

Mikuska, E., Raffai, J. and Vukov Raffai, E. (2023) Thinking through the lens of dialogical self, I positions and intersectionality for exploring how Hungarian kindergarten pedagogues experienced the new Curriculum Framework. Global Studies of Childhood, 14 (2). pp. 156-170. ISSN 2043-6106

Mikuska, E., Khan, T. and Kurowski, A. A. (2021) Home-schooling during the lockdown in England. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2560-5429

Mikuska, E. and Lyndon, S. (2021) Co-constructions, co-performances and co-reflections in early years qualitative research. Journal of Early Childhood Research. ISSN 1476-718X

Mikuska, E., Raffai, J. and Vukov Raffai, E. (2022) Secondary analysis of qualitative data: Hungarian minority kindergarten pedagogues’ perspectives of the new Curriculum Framework in Serbia. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 3 (3). pp. 259-269. ISSN 2717-638X

Parker, E., Laxton, D. and Horn, A. (2023) An empathetic leader. Early Years Educator, 23 (19). pp. 23-24. ISSN 2052-4617

Rayner, L., Laxton, D. and Horn, A. (2023) Helicopter stories to support children's development. Early Years Educator, 23 (18). pp. 38-39. ISSN 2052-4617

Sabine, A., Barton, S., Mikuska, E. and Fairchild, N. (2023) Research into trainees: perception of graduate and undergraduate trainees in the early years sector. Early Years Educator, 23 (19). pp. 33-34. ISSN 1465-931X

Simpson, D., Mazzocco, P., Loughran, S., Lumsden, E., Lyndon, S. and Winterbottom, C. (2023) ‘New normal’ or continued ‘social distancing’? Preschool practitioners’ responses to poverty across post-lockdown England and the USA. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 21 (4). pp. 454-468. ISSN 1741-2927

Solvason, C., Lyndon, S. and Webb, R. (2024) Oh … that Mommy needs a bit of help as well”: why every school needs a health and wellbeing lead. Health Education. ISSN 0965-4283

Turner, D. (2023) Review of : Covid-19 Collaborations: Researching Poverty and Low-Income Family Life during the pandemic, Kayleigh Garthwaite, Ruth Patrick, Maddy Power, Anna Tarrant and Rosalie Warnock (eds), Bristol UK, Policy Press, 228 pp., ISBN 9781447364481, £27.99 (p/b). The British Journal of Social Work, 53 (4). pp. 2470-2472. ISSN 0045-3102

Turner, D. (2023) Review of: Social Distance in Social Work: COVID Capsule One, Dominic Watters (ed.) and Shahid Naqvi (co-edited), Kent , Social Distance Writers, 2021, pp. 95, ISBN 9798517317438, £9.99 (p/b). The British Journal of Social Work, 53 (8). pp. 4023-4024. ISSN 0045-3102

Turner, D. (2023) Review of: When Words Are Not Enough: Creative Responses to Grief, Jane Harris, and Jimmy Edmonds, Hawthorn Books, UK, 2022, pp. xx +112, ISBN 978-1-91248-057-9, £19.99 (p/b). The British Journal of Social Work, 54 (1). pp. 523-524. ISSN 0045-3102

Turner, D. (2023) ‘You Took me Back to the sea:’ Using Narrative to Explore and Inform the Practice of Social Work with Dying People. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 31 (3). pp. 576-591. ISSN 1552-6968

Turner, D. and Linton, A. (2022) Virtual wobble spaces: A pilot study of the outcomes of online therapeutic spaces on practitioner well-being and social work practice. The British Journal of Social Work, 53 (7). pp. 3483-3504. ISSN 1468-263X

Turner, D. and Low, K. (2023) ‘A significant positive impact’: Delivering the End Point Assessment for the Social Work Degree Apprenticeship. Social Work Education. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1470-1227

Turner, D. and Price, M. (2021) ‘Resilient when it comes to death’: Exploring the significance of bereavement for the well-being of social work students. Qualitative Social Work, 20 (5). pp. 1339-1355. ISSN 1473-3250

Turner, D. and Walsh, K. (2023) ‘Memories from the forgotten frontline.’ Social worker’s reflections on shifting practices of work, home and belonging during Covid-19. The British Journal of Social Work, 54 (3). pp. 1275-1296. ISSN 0045-3102

Warwick, R., McCray, J. and Palmer, A. (2021) Collaborative Autoethnography: Its Use and Revelations in Management and Leadership Research and Publishing. Journal of Autoethnography, 2 (4). pp. 380-395. ISSN 2637-5192

Book Sections

Cooper, L. and Laxton, D. (2022) Play in extremis. In: Introduction to Play. Sage, London, pp. 209-221. ISBN 9781529743579

Kurowski, A. A. and Mikuska, E. (2023) From setting to strategy: a study into perspectives on higher education of experienced early years practitioners, a 'paradigm shift' on two levels. In: Papers of studies. [2022] 16th International Scientific Conference . University of Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 93-103. ISBN 9788681960196

Laxton, D. and Cooper, L. (2024) Global refugee crisis: focus on the child. In: Contemporary issues and the 21st century child: new perspectives in childhood. Sage, London, pp. 95-110. ISBN 9781529618778

Laxton, D. and Cooper, L. (2022) How can primary teachers develop their professionalism online? In: Professionalism in Primary Teaching. Primary Teaching Now . Sage, London, pp. 74-84. ISBN 9781529761092

Mikuska, E. (2021) The Importance of Early Childhood Education and Care for Hungarian Ethnic Minority Groups in Romania, Slovak Republic and Serbia. In: The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods. Sage, London, pp. 383-397. ISBN 9781529717815

Mikuska, E. (2023) Your emotional, personal life and achievements as an undergraduate. In: The Early Years Handbook for Students and Practitioners: An Essential Guide for the Foundation Degree and Levels 4 and 5. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003154853

Mikuska, E. and Kurowski, A. A. (2023) Developing the practice of staff in partnership with employers. In: The Early Years Handbook for Students and Practitioners. Routledge, London, pp. 34-40. ISBN 9781003154853

Turner, D. (2023) Social work at the end of life: death, dying, bereavement and loss. In: Introducing social work. Transforming Social Work, 2 . Sage, Learning Matters, UK, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781529798562


Fairchild, N., Mikuska, E., Sabine, A. and Sarah, B. (2022) The Early Childhood Education and Care sector’s perspective on the Early Childhood Studies graduate and the Early Childhood Graduate Practitioner Competencies. Project Report. University of Chichester, Chichester.

Conference or Workshop Items

Mikuska, E. (2021) Emotional labour and the democratic ECEC. In: European Circular Economy Research Alliance EECERA online festival, 1-14 September 2021, Zagreb, Croatia.

Mikuska, E. (2022) Narrative approach to investigate experiences of kindergarten pedagogues in Serbia. In: International Conference - Narrative ISSN, 28-30 June 2022, University of Chichester.

Mikuska, E. (2023) Paradigm Shift in Qualitative Inquiry: Impact of Higher Education on students studying Early Childhood Studies (ECS) Degree in SE England and Isle of Wight. In: International Conference; European Network for Qualitative Enquiry ENQI, 10th to 13th January 2023, Portsmouth, UK.


Turner, D. (2021) Social work and Covid 19: lessons for education and practice. Critical Publishing, Northwich, UK. ISBN 9781913453619

Turner, D. and Fanner, M. (2022) Digital connection in health and social work: lessons from COVID 19. Critical Publishing, Northwich, UK. ISBN 9781914171925


Mikuska, E. (2022) Book Review: Social leadership in early childhood education and care: An introduction by J O’Sullivan and M Sakr. Sage, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood.

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