Items where Division is "Health and Well-Being" and Year is [pin missing: value2]

Group by: CreatorsPublication Type
Number of items at this level: 96.


Ajjimaporn, A., Khemtong, C. and Willems, M. E. T. (2022) Body composition and physical fitness improve after 8 weeks of high-intensity circuit training using body weight in obese women. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. ISSN 0022-4707

Arakeri, G., Rao, V., Patil, S., Kunigal, S., Reddy, R., Krishnan, M., Hale, B. J. and Brennan, P. A. (2024) Evaluation of possible role of fluoride in pathogenesis of Oral Submucous Fibrosis: a pilot study. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 53 (3). pp. 226-231. ISSN 0904-2512

Augustus, S., Hudson, P. E. and Smith, N. A. (2022) Defining movement strategies in soccer instep kicking using the relationship between pelvis and kick leg rotations. Sports biomechanics, 39 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1752-6116

Augustus, S. N., Hudson, P. E. and Smith, N. A. (2024) Multiplanar lumbar, pelvis and kick leg sequencing during soccer instep kicking from different approach angles. Journal of Biomechanics, 163. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0021-9290

Augustus, S., Hudson, P. E., Harvey, N. and Smith, N. A. (2021) Whole-body energy transfer strategies during football instep kicking: implications for training practices. Sports biomechanics. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1752-6116

Augustus, S., Hudson, P. E. and Smith, N. A. (2021) The effect of approach velocity on pelvis and kick leg angular momentum conversion strategies during football instep kicking. Journal of Sports Sciences. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0264-0414

Austin, K., Lauder, M. A. and Smith, N. A. (2023) Coach perceptions of FA youth heading guidance: an online survey. Science and Medicine in Football, 7 (3). pp. 235-241. ISSN 2473-3938


Bray, P. W., Blacker, S. D., West, A. T. and Flood, T. R. (2024) No effect of a commercial carbohydrate-menthol drink on thermal perceptual measures or 15-minute time trial performance compared to commercial carbohydrate drink in hot humid conditions. European Journal of Sports Sciences, 24 (3). pp. 372-382. ISSN 1746-1391

Bray, P. W., Blacker, S. D., West, A. T. and Flood, T. R. (2024) No effect of a commercial carbohydrate‐menthol drink on thermal perceptual measures or 15‐min time trial performance compared to commercial carbohydrate drink in hot humid conditions. European Journal of Sport Science. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1536-7290

Briggs, A., Lacey, J. and Willems, M. E. T. (2024) New Zealand blackcurrant extract affects cycling-induced physiological responses in an amateur male Ironman athlete. In: American College of Sports Medicine annual conference 2024, 28 -31 May, 2024, Boston, MA, USA. (Unpublished)

Brown, M. B., Peters, R. and Lauder, M. A. (2024) Contribution of trunk rotation and abdominal muscles to sprint kayak performance. Journal of Human Kinetics, 90. pp. 5-15. ISSN 1899-7562

Burnett, P. and Willems, M. E. T. (2022) Effects of New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract on Sequential Performance Testing in Male Rugby Union Players. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 10 (125). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2075-4663

Burnett, P. and Willems, M. E. T. (2022) Effects of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract on rugby union specific tests. In: International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference 19th Annual Conference and Expo, 16-18 June 2022, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.


Cahart, M.-S., Amad, A., Draper, S. B., Lowry, R. G., Marino, L., Carey, C., Ginestet, C. E., Smith, M. S. and Williams, S. C. R. (2022) The Effect of Learning to Drum on Behaviour and Brain Function in Autistic Adolescents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119 (23). ISSN 0027-8424

Chen, P., Ajjimaporn, A., Nana, A., Yang, A.-L., Willems, M. E. T. and Chaunchaiyakul, R. (2023) Isocaloric Supplements of Whey Protein and Carbohydrate on Responses of Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Systems and Blood Glucose Levels during Acute Progressive Exhaustive Exercises. Journal of Exercise Physiology, 26 (3). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1097-9751

Chopra, S., Needham-Beck, S. and Ambegaonkar, J. P. (2023) Blood lactate and heart rate responses between active and passive recovery modes over a 15-minute recovery period in female dancers after Kathak dance. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 28 (2). pp. 75-82. ISSN 2374-8060

Conrad, N., Heckler, E., Lee, B. J., Hill, G., Flood, T. R., Wheeler, L., Costello, R., Walker, E. F., Gillum, T., Willems, M. E. T. and Kuennen, M.R. (2024) New Zealand blackcurrant extract modulates the heat shock response in men during exercise in hot ambient conditions. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 124 (8). pp. 2315-2328. ISSN 1439-6319

Cook, M. D., Dunne, A., Bosworth, M. and Willems, M. E. T. (2021) Effect of Intake Duration of Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract on Cardiovascular Responses and Femoral Artery Diameter during Sustained Submaximal Isometric Contraction. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 20 (1). pp. 15-27. ISSN 1939-0211

Cook, M. D., Dunne, A., Bosworth, M. and Willems, M. E. T. (2022) Effect of New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract on Force Steadiness of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle during Sustained Submaximal Isometric Contraction. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 7 (2). p. 44. ISSN 2411-5142

Cook, M. D. and Willems, M. E. T. (2024) Effects of New Zealand blackcurrant, body composition, and sex on fat oxidation during exercise. In: American College of Sports Medicine annual conference 2024, 28 -31 May, 2024, Boston, MA, USA. (Unpublished)

Copettia, C. L. K., Diefenthaeler, F., Lanferdini, F. J., Dambrós, B. F., Marques, B. S., da Silva, E. L., Vieira, F. G. K., Willems, M. E. T. and Di Pietro, P. F. (2024) Juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) improves time-to-exhaustion cycling performance and increased reduced glutathione: A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover, and triple-blind study. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme, 49 (7). pp. 933-942. ISSN 1715-5320

Costello, R., Keane, K., Lee, B. J., Willems, M. E. T., Myers, S. D., Myers, F., Lewis, N. A. and Blacker, S. D. (2021) Plasma uptake of selected phenolic acids following New Zealand blackcurrant extract supplementation in humans. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 19 (5). pp. 672-688. ISSN 1939-0211

Crisp, P. and Sims, J. (2022) Heart Disease After Covid: Exacerbated Future Health Risks Aligned to Previous and Existing AAS/Androgen Use. Acta Facultatis Educationis Physicae Universitatis Comenianae, 62 (2). pp. 134-141. ISSN 2585-8777


Day, M. C., Hine, J., Wadey, R. and Cavallerio, F. (2022) A letter to my younger self: using a novel written data collection method to understand the experiences of athletes in Chronic Pain. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. pp. 1-17. ISSN 2159-676X

Day, M. C. and Wadey, R. (2022) Sport injury psychology: An overview and introduction to the special issue. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 34 (5). pp. 913-915. ISSN 1533-1571

Delfan, M., Behzadi, N., Juybari, R., Daneshyar, S., Saeidi, A., Willems, M. E. T., Hackney, A., Laher, I. and Zouhal, H. (2024) Adipokine modulation in obesity: evaluating the integrative impact of chlorella vulgaris supplementation and interval resistance training in obese males. Journal of Functional Foods, 119 (106315). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1756-4646

da Silva, Z., Shield, S., Hudson, P. E., Wilson, A. M., Nicolls, F. and Patel, A. (2024) Markerless 3D kinematics and force estimation in cheetahs. Scientific Reports, 14 (10579). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2045-2322


Edwards, V., Myers, S. D., Wardle, S. L., Siddall, A. G., Powell, S. D., Needham-Beck, S., Kefyalew, S. S., Singh, P. A., Orford, E. R., Venables, M. C., Jackson, S., Greeves, J. P. and Blacker, S. D. (2022) Nutrition and Physical Activity during British Army Officer Cadet Training: Part 1 - Energy Balance and Energy Availability. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 32 (3). pp. 195-203. ISSN 1526-484X

Edwards, V., Myers, S. D., Wardle, S. L., Siddall, A. G., Powell, S. D., Needham-Beck, S., Jackson, S., Greeves, J. P. and Blacker, S. D. (2022) Nutrition and Physical Activity in British Army Officer Cadet Training Part 2 - Daily Distribution of Energy and Macronutrient Intake. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 32 (3). pp. 204-213. ISSN 1526-484X

Everard, C., Wadey, R., Howells, K. and Day, M. C. (2022) Construction and communication of evidence-based video narratives in elite sport: Knowledge translation of sports injury experiences. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 35 (5). pp. 731-754. ISSN 1533-1571

Everley, S. (2023) Displacement, replacement and creative endeavour; English Children’s Experiences of ‘Lockdown’ – a basis for planning? Education 3-13. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0300-4279


Figgins, S. G., Slater, M. J., Smith, M. J., Miller, A. J., Sharpe, B. T., Pocock, C. and Maiden, J. (2024) Promote “we” to inspire me: examining the roles of group identification and trust in the association between identity leadership and follower inspiration. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1557-251X

Flood, T. R., Kuennen, M. R., Blacker, S. D., Myers, S. D., Walker, E. F. and Lee, B. J. (2022) The effect of sex, menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptive use on intestinal permeability and ex-vivo monocyte TNFα release following treatment with lipopolysaccharide and hyperthermia. Cytokine, 158 (155991). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1096-0023


Gault, M. L. and Willems, M. E. T. (2024) Full familiarisation is not required for the Self-Paced 1 km treadmill walk to predict peak oxygen uptake in phase IV cardiac patients. Clinics and Practice, 14 (1). pp. 327-336. ISSN 2039-7283

Green, R., West, A. T. and Willems, M. E. T. (2023) Notational Analysis and Physiological and Metabolic Responses of Male Junior Badminton Match Play. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 11 (2). p. 35. ISSN 2075-4663

Gunning, S. and Smith, J. (2024) Applying positive psychology in sport: a trainee’s case study. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2152-0712


Hudson, J., Gowing, R., Day, M. C., Oliver, E., Thomas, L. B. and Legrand, F. (2024) Modifying physical selves with reversal theory framed expressive writing. Journal of Motivation, Emotion and Personality, 13. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2331-2343


Kakavand, M. and Smith, N. A. (2022) The Effect of Non-prescription Orthotics on Walking Gait in Participants with Excessive Pronation. International Journal of Sports Studies for Health, 5 (2). ISSN 2588-5782

Kelly, S. J., Kelly, J. S., Gardner, E., Baker, J., Monk, C. and Julian, A. (2023) Improving attitudes towards adders (Vipera berus) and nature connectedness in primary‐age group children. People and Nature, 5 (6). pp. 1908-1921. ISSN 2575-8314

Khobkun, F., Sukwiboon, R., Ramyarangsi, P., Willems, M. E. T. and Ajjimaporn, A. (2023) Recovery effects of foam rolling on psychophysiological responses in Thai national male ice hockey players. International journal of exercise science, 16 (17). pp. 1191-1204. ISSN 1939-795X


Lee, B. J., Flood, T. R., Hiles, A., Walker, E. F., Wheeler, L., Ashdown, K., Willems, M. E. T., Costello, R., Greisler, L., Romano, P., Hill, G. and Kuennen, M.R. (2022) Anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant extract preserves gastrointestinal barrier permeability and reduces enterocyte damage but has no effect on microbial translocation and inflammation after exertional heat stress. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 32 (4). pp. 265-274. ISSN 1543-2742

Leggat, F., Wadey, R., Day, M. C. and Winter, S. (2023) Bridging the Know-Do Gap Using Integrated Knowledge Translation and Qualitative Inquiry: A Narrative Review. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 15 (2). pp. 188-201. ISSN 2159-676X

Levi, H., Wadey, R., Bunsell, T., Day, M. C., Hays, K. and Lampard, P. (2022) Women in a man's world: Coaching in elite sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 35 (4). pp. 571-597. ISSN 1041-3200


Maroni, T. D., Siddall, A. G., Rue, C. A., Needham-Beck, S., Walker, F. S., Greeves, J. P., Wardle, S. L., Fieldhouse, A., Myers, S. D. and Blacker, S. D. (2024) Beyond change scores: Employing an improved statistical approach to analyze the impact of entry fitness on physical performance during British Army basic training in men and women. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 34 (4). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1600-0838

McMorris, T., Hale, B. J., Pine, B. S. and Williams, T. B. (2024) Creatine supplementation research fails to support the theoretical basis for an effect on cognition: Evidence from a systematic review. Behavioural Brain Research, 466 (114982). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0166-4328

Miraftabi, H., Avazpoor, Z., Berjisian, E., Sarshin, A., Rezaei, S., Domínguez, R., Reale, R., Franchini, E., Samanipour, M.H., Koozehchian, M.S., Willems, M. E. T., Rafiei, R. and Naderi, A. (2021) Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Aerobic and Anaerobic Performances of Trained Male Taekwondo Athletes: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (19). ISSN 1660-4601

Montanari, S., Blacker, S. D. and Willems, M. E. T. (2023) Acute Effects of New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract on Cycling Time-Trial Are Performance Dependent in Endurance-Trained Cyclists: A Home-Based Study. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 11 (5). p. 93. ISSN 2075-4663

Muir, N. and Wilson, J. (2022) The role of the nurse in screening people with suspected dementia. Independent Nurse, 2022 (11). pp. 20-21. ISSN 2052-2843


Nyberg, C. C. and Morris, E. (2023) Letter to the editor: "Revolutionizing Clinical Education: Opportunities and Challenges of AI Integration". European Journal of Physiotherapy. pp. 1-2. ISSN 2167-9169


O'Leary, T. J., Coombs, C. V., Edward, V., Blacker, S. D., Knight, R. L., Koivuka, F. N., Tang, J. C., Fraser, W. D., Wardle, S. L. and Greeves, J. P. (2023) The effect of sex and protein supplementation on bone metabolism during a 36-hour military field exercise in energy deficit. Journal of Applied Physiology, 134 (6). pp. 1481-1495. ISSN 1522-1601

Omam, M., Willems, M. E. T. and Ebrahimi, M. (2021) Evaluation of Milk Consumption after Resistance Training on the Glycemic Control and Irisin Levels of Type II Diabetic Men: A Quasi-experimental Study. Journal of Nutrition Fasting and Health, 9 (2). pp. 146-151. ISSN 2345-2587

Orr, R., Pope, R., Lopes, T. J. A., Leyk, D., Blacker, S. D., Bustillo-Aguirre, B. S. and Knapik, J. J. (2021) Soldier Load Carriage, Injuries, Rehabilitation and Physical Conditioning: An International Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (8). ISSN 1660-4601


Piggott, L. V. and Matthews, J. (2024) Gender representation and policy implementation in the governance of international Paralympic organizations. In: Research handbook on gender and diversity in sport management. International handbooks on gender . Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, pp. 37-51. ISBN 9781802203684

Powell, S. D., Siddall, A. G., Needham-Beck, S., Edwards, V., Light, N., Jackson, S., Greeve, J. P., Blacker, S. D. and Myers, S. D. (2023) Association between external training loads and injury incidence during 44 weeks of military training. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. ISSN 1600-0838


Rao, V., Arakeri, G., Subash, A., Ajaikumar, B.S., Patil, R., Hale, B. J. and Mendes, R. A. (2021) Decreased cancer consultations in the COVID-19 era: A concern for the delay in early cancer diagnosis in India. JCO Global Oncology. pp. 408-409.

Richards, T., Figgins, S. G., Day, M. C., Slater, M. J. and Easterbrook, M. J. (2023) O.5.1-6 Bucking the mid-life inactivity trend: a study of 40–64-year-olds' participation in Zwift, a real-time online exercise community, through a social identity lens. European Journal of Public Health, 33 (S. 1). i95. ISSN 1464-360X

Rue, C. A., Myers, S. D., Coakley, S. L., Ashdown, K., Lee, B. J., Hale, B. J., Siddall, A. G., Needham-Beck, S., Hinde, K., Osofa, J. I., Walker, F. S., Fieldhouse, A., Vine, C., Doherty, J., Flood, T. R., Walker, E. F., Wardle, S. L., Greeves, J. P. and Blacker, S. D. (2023) Changes in Physical Performance during British Army Junior Entry, British Army Standard Entry, and Royal Air Force Basic Training. Changes in Physical Performance during British Army Junior Entry, British Army Standard Entry, and Royal Air Force Basic Training. ISSN 2633-3775


Sahin, A., Bilgic, P., Montanari, S. and Willems, M. E. T. (2021) Intake duration of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract affects cardiovascular responses during moderate-intensity walking but not at rest. Journal of Dietary Supplements. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1939-0211

Sharpe, B. T., Smit, M. S., Williams, S. C. R., Talbot, J., Runswick, O. R. and Smith, J. (2023) An expert-novice comparison of lifeguard specific vigilance performance. Journal of Safety Research, 87. pp. 416-430. ISSN 0022-4375

Sharpe, B. T. and Smith, J. (2024) Influence of vigilance performance on lifeguard gaze behaviour. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 20 (3). pp. 220-233. ISSN 1841-0413

Sharpe, B. T., Smith, M. S., Williams, S. C. R., Hampshire, A., Balaet, M., Trender, W., Hellyer, P., Talbot, J. and Smith, J. (2023) Cognition and lifeguard detection performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1099-0720

Siddall, A. G., Rayson, M. P., Walker, E. F., Doherty, J., Osofa, J. I., Flood, T. R., Hale, B. J., Myers, S. D. and Blacker, S. D. (2021) Development of physical employment standards of specialist paramedic roles in the National Ambulance Resilience Unit (Naru). Applied Ergonomics, 95. ISSN 0003-6870

Spannagl, B. J., Willems, M. E. T. and West, A. T. (2023) Effects Of A Head-Cooling Cap On 5-Km Running Performance In The Heat. International journal of exercise science, 16 (6). pp. 193-204. ISSN 1939-795X

Spooner, T., West, A. T. and Willems, M. E. T. (2023) Effect of Substitution Time on Physical, Technical and Cognitive Performance in Sub-Elite Male Field Hockey Players. International journal of exercise science, 16 (6). pp. 497-512. ISSN 1939-795X

Szecsi, D., Gunning, S., Howells, K. and Smith, J. (2023) Implementing a novel team performance profiling activity with young athletes. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2152-0712


Vine, C., Coakley, S. L., Blacker, S. D., Runswick, O. R. and Myers, S. D. (2022) Physiological and Subjective Responses to a Novel Military Specific Load Carriage Treadmill Protocol. Journal of Sport and Exercise Science, 26 (2). pp. 121-131. ISSN 2703-240X

Vine, C., Coakley, S. L., Myers, S. D., Blacker, S. D. and Runswick, O. R. (2022) The Development, and Day-to-Day Variation, of a Military-Specific Auditory N-Back Task and Shoot-/Don’t-Shoot Task. Experimental Results, 3 (e15). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2516-712X

Vine, C., Rue, C. A., Walker, F. S., Blacker, S. D., Myers, S. D. and Doherty, J. (2023) A comparison of physical performance during one- and two-person simulated casualty drags. Applied ergonomics, 110. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1872-9126

Vine, C., Runswick, O. R., Blacker, S. D., Coakley, S. L., Siddall, A. G. and Myers, S. D. (2023) Cognitive, psychophysiological, and perceptual responses to a repeated military-specific load carriage treadmill simulation. Journal of Human Factors, 66 (10). pp. 2379-2392. ISSN 0018-7208

Vine, C., Spurr, T. J. and Blacker, S. D. (2024) Food for thought: Dietary nootropics for the optimisation of military operators cognitive performance. BMJ Military Health. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2633-3767


Wadey, C. A., Leggat, F. J., Potter, J. A., Amir, N. H., Forsythe, L., Stuart, A. G., Barker, A. R. and Williams, C. A. (2023) Parental recommendations and exercise attitudes in congenital hearts. Cardiology in the young. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1467-1107

Wadey, R. and Day, M. C. (2022) Challenging the status quo of sport injury psychology to advance theory, research, and applied practice: An epilogue to a special issue. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 34 (5). pp. 1029-1036. ISSN 1533-1571

Wakefield‐Scurr, J., St John, E., Bibby, K., Renwick, N., Smith, N. A., Hobbs, S. and Brown, N. (2024) Insights into breast health issues in women's rugby. European Journal of Sport Science, 24 (12). pp. 1735-1742. ISSN 1536-7290

Waldock, K. A.M., Lee, B. J., Powell, S. D., Wardle, S. L., Blacker, S. D., Myers, S. D., Maroni, T. D., Walker, F. S., Looney, D. P., Greeves, J. P. and Potter, A. W. (2021) Field Validation Of The Heat Strain Decision Aid During Military Load Carriage. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 134. ISSN 0010-4825

Walker, F. S., Needham-Beck, S., Vine, C., Blacker, S. D., Greenlees, I. A., Sharpe, B. T., Siddall, A. G., Maroni, T. D., Ashdown, K., Hinde, K., Elliott, E., Rayson, M. P., Knight, E. and Myers, S. D. (2024) External workload and cognitive performance of a tactical military scenario-based field exercise. BMJ Military Health. pp. 1-23. ISSN 2633-3767

Welsh, M. R., Mosley, E., Laborde, S., Day, M. C., Sharpe, B. T., Burkill, R. A. and Birch, P. D. J. (2023) The use of heart rate variability in esports: a systematic review. In: Annual Research Conference 2023, University of Chichester, 5 - 6 July 2023, Bognor Regis, England.

Welsh, M. R., Mosley, E., Laborde, S., Day, M. C., Sharpe, B. T., Burkill, R. A. and Birch, P. D. J. (2023) The use of heart rate variability in esports: a systematic review. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 69. pp. 1-38. ISSN 1469-0292

Whittle, C., Jobson, S. A. and Smith, N. A. (2022) Validity of Calculating Continuous Relative Phase during Cycling from Measures Taken with Skin-Mounted Electro-Goniometers. Sensors, 22 (12). ISSN 1424-8220

Willems, M. E. T. (2022) Anthocyanin-Rich New Zealand Blackcurrant: Implications for Health. Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech, 33 (1). pp. 38-41. ISSN 1722-6996

Willems, M. E. T. (2023) Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand Blackcurrant: applications for exercise and health. In: 1st International Congress on Nutrition in Sports and Exercise, 3-5 November, 2023, Ankara, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Willems, M. E. T. (2023) Anthocyanin-rich supplementation: emerging potential for sport and exercise nutrition. In: International Conference on Adaptations & Nutrition in Sports, 19-21 July 2023, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Willems, M. E. T. (2023) Anthocyanin-rich supplementation: emerging potential for sport and exercise nutrition. In: International Conference on Adaptations & Nutrition in Sports, 19-21 July 2023, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Willems, M. E. T., Bilgic, P., Montanari, S. and Sahin, A. (2022) Acute effects of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract on cardiovascular function during supine rest in healthy males. In: International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference 19th Annual Conference and Expo, 16-18 June 2022, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Willems, M. E. T., Bilgic, P., Montanari, S. and Sahin, A. (2022) Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract enhances whole-body resting fat oxidation in physically active males. In: International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference 19th Annual Conference and Expo, 16-18 June 2022, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Willems, M. E. T., Bilgic, P., Montanari, S. and Sahin, A. (2022) Effects of intermittent and daily intake of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract on cardiovascular function during supine rest in healthy males. In: International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference 19th Annual Conference and Expo, 16-18 June 2022, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Willems, M. E. T., Bilgic, P., Montanari, S. and Sahin, A. (2023) Two weeks daily intake of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract enhances whole-body fat oxidation during supine rest in healthy males. Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals, 2 (8). pp. 30-40. ISSN 2771-5604

Willems, M. E. T., Bray, P. W., Bassett, H., Spurr, T. J. and West, A. T. (2024) Effects of CurraNZ, a New Zealand blackcurrant extract during 1 hour of treadmill running in female and male Marathon des Sables Athletes in hot conditions: two case studies. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 9 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2411-5142

Willems, M. E. T., Bray, P. W., Bassett, H. and West, A. T. (2024) Effects of blackcurrant during running in a male and female Marathon des Sables athlete. In: American College of Sports Medicine annual conference 2024, 28-31 May, 2024, Boston, MA, USA. (Submitted)

Willems, M. E. T. and Briggs, A. (2022) Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract enhances running-induced fat oxidation in an ultra-endurance amateur male runner: A case study. In: International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference 19th Annual Conference and Expo, 16-18 June 2022, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Willems, M. E. T. and Briggs, A. (2022) Running-induced metabolic and physiological responses using New Zealand blackcurrant extract in a male ultra-endurance runner: A case study. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 7 (104). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2411-5142

Willems, M. E. T. and Foster, C. (2024) Effects of Matcha green tea on heart rate variability and physiological and metabolic responses in young adult female. Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals, 3 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2771-5604

Willems, M. E. T., Hiles, A., Flood, T. R., Wheeler, L., Costello, R., Walker, E. F., Ashdown, K., Kuennen, M.R. and Lee, B. J. (2022) Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract reduces running-induced gastro-intestinal symptoms in the heat. In: International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference 19th Annual Conference and Expo, 16-18 June 2022, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Willems, M. E. T., Montanari, S., Seymour, T. and Page, O. (2022) No effect of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract on 2000-m indoor rowing performance in trained male rowers. In: International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference 19th Annual Conference and Expo, 16-18 June 2022, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Willems, M. E. T., Banic, M., Cadden, R. and Barnett, L. (2022) Enhanced walking-induced fat oxidation by New Zealand blackcurrant extract is body composition-dependent in recreationally active adult females. Nutrients, 14 (7). p. 1475. ISSN 2072-6643

Willems, M. E. T. and Blacker, S. D. (2022) Anthocyanin-Rich Supplementation: Emerging Evidence of Strong Potential for Sport and Exercise Nutrition. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2296-861X

Wilson, J. (2024) Commentary: The effectiveness of digital solutions in improving nurses’ and healthcare professionals’ mental well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Research in Nursing, 29 (2). pp. 110-111. ISSN 1744-988X

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