Items where Division is "Theatre" and Year is [pin missing: value2]

Group by: CreatorsPublication Type
Number of items at this level: 83.


Baker, J. (2016) Taboos in Children’s Theatre. Exeunt Magazine.

Hornsby, I. (2018) And All Around Was Darkness. Punk & Post Punk, 7 (1). pp. 126-127. ISSN 2044-1983

Hornsby, I. (2019) Comic Books, Möbius Strips, Philosophy and... The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship, 9 (1). ISSN 2048-0792

Kelly, J. (2005) Auditory space: emergent modes of apprehension and historical representations in Three Tales. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 1 (3). pp. 207-236. ISSN 1479-4713

Lobel, B. (2012) Spokeswomen and posterpeople: Disability, advocacy and live art. Contemporary Theatre Review, 22 (1). pp. 79-93. ISSN 1048-6801

Martins, A., Taylor, R. M., Lobel, B., McCann, B., Soanes, L., Whelan, J. S. and Fern, L. A. (2018) Sex, Body Image, and Relationships: A BRIGHTLIGHT Workshop on Information and Support Needs of Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7 (5). pp. 572-578. ISSN 2156-535X

Phillips, P. (2015) Search Party vs. . . : Sports Commentary, Participation, and the Sport/Art Event. Contemporary Theatre Review, 25 (3). pp. 455-459. ISSN 1048-6801

Rowland, N. (2014) Lighting the lit; Luminosity as protagonist in mediated performance. Final Paper /Proceedings of the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts conference. pp. 49-53.

Rowland, N. (2014) Looking up while looking down: mobile technologies as an essential interface to the geography of our city. The Mediated City Conference, Ravensbourne College, presented by the Architechture Media Politics.

Stamatiou, E. (2022) Joan Littlewood and Ariane Mnouchkine against the canon: Developing the actors’ social representations through clowning. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training. ISSN 1944-3927

Stamatiou, E. (2022) Pierre Bourdieu and actor training: Towards decolonising and decentering actor training pedagogies. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training. pp. 96-114. ISSN 1944-3927

Stamatiou, E. (2019) A Brechtian Perspective on London Road: class representations, dialectics and the Gestic character of music from stage to screen. Studies in Musical Theatre, 13 (3). pp. 287-298. ISSN 1750-3159

Stamatiou, E. (2020) Inclusive Casting Debunked: Towards Holistic Interventions in Staged Performance. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity, 6 (2). pp. 1-31. ISSN 2396-8532

Stamatiou, E., Kildow, E., Spearing, F., Nodding, G. and Price, J.-P. (2022) Developing the Critical Verbatim Theater Artist during the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Collaboration. ArtsPraxis, 9 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 1552-5236

Wilford, A. (2016) Between Beirut and Bethlehem (Confessions of a Tourorist). Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 12 (5). ISSN 1557-2935

Wilford, A., Skinner, J. and Antick, P. (2016) Terror and the Tour. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 12 (5). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1557-2935

Book Sections

Francombe, B. (2010) The Long Surrender: Finding a theatrical voice through the plays of the 1970s. In: The Theatre of Tom MacIntyre: 'Strays from the Ether'. Craysfort Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781904505464

Francombe, B. (2011) One day in the wonderful life of 1927. In: Animals & Children Took to the Streets Programme. National Theatre, London. ISBN 9786000004408

Francombe, B. (2016) Tom Mac Intyre's Slow Surrender: Finding a Theatrical Voice Through the Plays of the 1970s. In: Contemporary Irish Theatre and Performance Studies Reader. Carysfort Press Limited, Dublin, pp. 463-478. ISBN 9781909325944

Hornsby, I. (2019) An Emergent, Critical Realist, Understanding of Holism. In: Holism: Possibilities and Problems. Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, 1 . Routledge, London, pp. 130-140. ISBN 9780367424824

Jenkins, L. (2018) Trace: Shame and the Art of Mourning. In: Staging Loss: Performance as Commemoration. Palgrave Performance . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 197-214. ISBN 9783319979694

Kelly, J. (2007) Pop music, multimedia and live performance. In: Music, Sound and Multimedia: From the Live to the Virtual. Music & the Moving Image Series . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 105-120. ISBN 9780748625345

Lobel, B. (2016) Fun with Cancer Patients: The Affect of Cancer. In: Performance and the Medical Body. Performance/Science . Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, London. ISBN 9781472570796

Lobel, B. (2017) Proud Disclosures and Awkward Receptions: Between bodies with cancer and their audiences. In: Applied Theatre: Performing Health and Well-Being. Applied Theatre . Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. ISBN 9781472584595

Stamatiou, E. (2020) The Economic Communities of Edinburgh’s August Festivals: An Exclusive ‘Global Sense of Place’ and an Inclusive ‘Local Sense of Space’. In: Redefining Theatre Communities: International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre-Making. Intellect, Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781789380767

Stamatiou, E. (2020) Stepping Forward: An Exploration of Devised Theatre’s Democratic Designs in an Actor-Training Setting. In: World Political Theatre and Performance. Themes in Theatre, 11 . Brill, pp. 98-113. ISBN 9789004430990

Stamatiou, E. (2017) Caryatid Unplugged: A cabaret on negotiating belonging and otherness in exile. In: Performing Exile. Intellect, Bristol and Chicago, pp. 195-216. ISBN 978-1-78320-818-0

Stamatiou, E. (2019) A Materialist Feminist Perspective on Time in Actor-Training: the commodity of illusion. In: Time and Performer Training. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 50-62. ISBN 9780815396284

Stamatiou, E. (2017) Writing for Comedy (Frogging). In: The Global Playwriting Workbook. Bloomsbury Methuen Drama.

Conference or Workshop Items

Hornsby, I. (2010) Art and Politics 'to come'. In: Chichester University Arts and Humanities Research papers, 10 March 2010, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2000) A Baedeker to the Fake & The Eight Veils of ‘Quality’: (A reading of Robert M. Pirsig’s Aesthetic). In: Bursary Presentation, 7 February 2000, University College Chichester. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2018) Comics as Philosophy. In: Creating Comics, Creative Comics: Symposium 1st June 2018., 1 and 2 of June 2018, University of South Wales: Cardiff Campus. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2018) Ed Piskor and the Art of Nostalgia. In: The Ninth International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference, Bournemouth, 27th - 29th June, 2018, 27th to 29th of July 2018, Bournemouth. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2018) Ed Piskor and the Sirens Song. In: Graphic Brighton 2018, 19th and 20th of July 2018, Sussex University. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2017) Emergence and Things in Themselves: An Oblique Offering. In: Holism: Possibilities and Problems Conference, 8-10 September 2017, University of Essex. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2006) Graphic Novel Sophist. In: PCA/ACA Conference, 12-16th April 2006, Atlanta Georgia USA. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2018) The Philosophy of J.H. Williams III. In: Comics Forum 2018, 20-21 September 2018, Leeds. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2008) The Sophist The Goddess and the Void. In: UCC Art and Humanities Conference, 5 March 2008, University College Chichester. (Unpublished)

Hornsby, I. (2004) The dynamics of imagination and the expanding universe: Science and nature as metaphor in Bachelard’s reading of Lautréamont’s Maldoror. In: Cross-Fertilisations: Literature, Science and Nature, 16-18 July 2004, University College Chichester. (Unpublished)

Jenkins, L. (2011) Articulating the Scripted Body. In: Theatre & Performance Research Association Conference, 7-9 Sept 2011, University of Kingston. (Submitted)

Jenkins, L. (2011) Five Fragments: Exorcism, Erotica and Performance. In: 18th Lesbian Lives Conference: Revolting: Bodies, Politics & Genders, 11-12 Feb 2011, University of Brighton. (Submitted)

Lee, A. M. (2021) Death by Prox(y)amity: Participation with the Pandemic through the mobile multiplayer game Among Us (2018). In: Communities and Communication, 24th April 2021, Staffodshire University (Online via Zoom).

Lobel, B. (2015) The Physical and Emotional Burden of Cancer, or, Normal, What is it Good For? In: 9th Annual Conference and 1st Annual International Congress, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Phillips, P. (2018) And everyone is running for a reason…: performances of sports commentary, mass participation marathons and neoliberal ideology. In: Sport/Spectacle: Performing, Labouring, Circulating Bodies Across Sport, Theatre, Dance, and Live Art, 14-15 Sept 2018, Kings College London. (Unpublished)

Phillips, P. (2017) The Performance of Sports Commentary: Post-dramatic theatre as a model to examine the performance of the sports commentator. In: Sporting Heritage, Photography and TV Conference, 28-29 Nov 2017, National Science and Media Museum, Bradford, UK. (Unpublished)

Phillips, P. (2017) Stories in sports commentary: How narrative strategies of sports commentary reframe fun-runners in the Big City Marathon. In: Narrative and Alternative Stories Conference, 11-12 Sept 2017, University of Chester, UK. (Unpublished)

Rowland, N. (2014) Looking up while looking down - workshop. In: Mediated City conference, 1-3 April 2014, Ravensbourne College. (Unpublished)

Rowland, N. (2014) The language of light in twenty-first century performance. In: University Research Conference, 17 July 2014, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Rowland, N., Duffield, A. and Richter, S. (2014) Emerging Never Arriving - emergence as motif. In: Motif 2014, 15 November 2014, Centre for Creative Collaboration, London. (Submitted)

Rubidge, S. F. and Jannides, C. (2008) In/extensive topologies. In: Symposium to explore relationships between performativity and space, 30 Oct 2008, Canterbury School of Architecture University for the Creative Arts at Canterbury. (Unpublished)

Wilford, A. (2023) There is a spectre haunting creativity: C.E.O. creatives & A.I.’s uncreative labour. In: University Of Chichester Research Conference 2023, 5th & 6th July 2023, Bognor Regis Campus. (Submitted)

Wilford, A. (2015) Celebrity Tourorists & the ‘Terrible’ Spectacle of Re-territorializing Trauma in Chechnya’s Post-Urbacide City. In: American Society Of Theatre Research, November 5-8 2015, Portland, Oregon. (Unpublished)

Wilford, A. (2016) Lone Wolves, Werewolves & Radicalised Rolling Stone Covers. In: MANCEPT2016, 7-9 September 2016, University Of Manchester. (Unpublished)

Wilford, A. (2016) Traveling Light Through Transparency: Preliminary Materials For A Walkshopinar. In: American Society Of Theatre Research, November 3-6 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Unpublished)


Daniels, R. (2014) D.I.Y. University of Chichester, Chichester, UK. ISBN 9781907852244

Daniels, R. (2015) D.I.Y. Too. University of Chichester, Chichester, West Sussex. ISBN 9781907852367

Francombe, B., Hawkes, J. and Phillips, P. (2011) Save Me: A Conversation Across the City. Arnolfini, Bristol. ISBN 9780956888624

Hornsby, I. (2006) Introducing Anarchy. University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Kimmings, B., Lobel, B. and Parkinson, T. (2016) A Pacifist's Guide to the War on Cancer. Oberon Books, London. ISBN 9781786820600

Lobel, B. (2015) BALL & Other Funny Stories About Cancer. Oberon. ISBN 9781849433266

Lobel, B. (2016) Purge. Oberon Books, London. ISBN 9781783193295


Hornsby, I. (1998) On Quality (A critical reading of Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Lila). Masters thesis, Southampton University.

Phillips, P. (2017) Sports Commentary and the Performance Event: How Neoliberal Ideology Reframes Spectacles of Participation. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Sheppard, A. (2020) How Do You Solve a Problem Like Katherina? An Analysis of Gender Representation in Contemporary Adaptations of The Taming of the Shrew. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Hornsby, I. (2017) Artist's Website. [Artefacts]

Hornsby, I. (2017) An Oblique Offering: Emergence and Things In Themselves. [Artefacts]


Baker, J., Daniels, R., Roberts, A. and Haines, B. (2017) The Many Doors of Frank Feelbad. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Baker, J., Daniels, R., Roberts, A. and Haines, R. (2017) The JukeBoxes. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Conway, A., Collier, L., Flight, R. and Ryan, E. (2019) Border VR. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Daniels, R. (2011) The Incredible Book Eating Boy. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Daniels, R. (2013) La Boite Noir. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Daniels, R. (2009) Little Box of Horrors. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Daniels, R. (2015) Tiny Live Art. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Daniels, R. (2011) Une Boite Andalouse. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Daniels, R. (2018) We Could Be Heroes. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Daniels, R., Baker, J. and Roberts, A. (2012) 30 Days to Edinburgh. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Jenkins, L. (2010) Five Fragments. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Jenkins, L. (2011) Smoke for Dust. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Lobel, B. (2013) Ball & Other Funny Stories About Cancer. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Lobel, B. (2015) Fun With Cancer Patients. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Phillips, P. (2012) Save Me. [Shows/Exhibitions]


Conway, A. (2020) An evening with Primrose. [Performances]


Daniels, R. (2009) Bootworks: 'Little box of horrors' and 'Une boite andalouse'. [Videos] (Unpublished)

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