Items where Year is 2013

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[139] research outputs


Abbott, R. (2013) Crossing thresholds in academic reading. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1470-3297

Adi, H. (2013) Pan-Africanism and Communism: the Communist International, Africa and the diaspora, 1919-1939. The Harriet Tubman Series on the African Diaspora . Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey, USA. ISBN 9781592219155

Allen, M. S., Greenlees, I. A. and Jones, M. (2013) Personality in sport: a comprehensive review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6 (1). pp. 184-208. ISSN 1750-984X


Bacon, J. (2013) Embodied and direct experience in performance studies. In: Performance and Ethnography: Dance, Drama, Music. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 113-130. ISBN 9781443847612

Barker, S. (2013) "Lost property": John Galsworthy and the search for "that stuffed shirt". In: The Boundaries of the Literary Archive: Reclamation and Representation. Ashgate, Surrey, pp. 91-105. ISBN 9781409443223

Batten, J., Batey, J., Shafe, L., Gubby, L. and Birch, P. D. J. (2013) The influence of reputation information on the assessment of undergraduate student work. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 38 (4). pp. 417-435. ISSN 0260-2938

Baysted, S. (2013) Strange Factories. [Compositions]

Bhabha, H. (2013) Using Finite Element Analysis as a Design Tool for Rotamoulded Parts. In: BPF Rotational Moulders Group Tooling Seminar, 25th April 2013, MPH Training and Conference Centre, Gateshead, Newcastle, UK..

Bhabha, H. and Henwood, N. G. (2013) Finite Element Analysis for the Analysis of Rotomoulded Parts. Affiliation of Rotational Moulding Organisations Annual Newsletter (20). p. 7.

Bhatti-Sinclair, K. and Sutcliffe, C. (2013) Challenges in identifying factors which determine the placement of children in care: an international review. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 30 (4). pp. 345-363. ISSN 0738-0151

Bihet, F. (2013) Sprites, spiritualists and sleuths: the intersecting ownership of transcendent proofs in the Cottingley Fairy Fraud. In: Afterlife: 18th Postgraduate Religion and Theology Conference, 8-9 March 2013, University of Bristol. (Unpublished)

Birch, P. D. J., Batten, J., Manley, A. J. and Smith, M. J. (2013) An exploratory investigation examining the cues that students use to form initial impressions and expectancies of lecturers. Teaching in Higher Education, 17 (6). pp. 660-672. ISSN 1356-2517

Blacker, S. D., Fallowfield, J. L., Bilzon, J. L. J. and Willems, M. E. T. (2013) Neuromuscular impairment following backpack load carriage. Journal of Human Kinetics, 37 (1). pp. 91-98. ISSN 1640-5544

Blacker, S. D., Fallowfield, J. L. and Willems, M. E. T. (2013) Intra- and interday reliability of voluntary and electrically stimulated isometric contractions of the quadriceps femoris. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 23 (4). pp. 886-891. ISSN 1050-6411

Board, D. and Warwick, R. (2013) Chief executives are running scared. Health Service Journal. ISSN 0952-2271

Bowman, S. A. (2013) BYOD! We don't think so. In: M-Libraries 4: From Margin to Mainstream - Mobile Technologies Transforming Lives and Libraries. Facet Publishing, London, pp. 47-51. ISBN 9781856049443

Bowman, S. A. (2013) Bentkowska-Kafel, A., Denard, H. and Drew, B. 'Paradata and Transparency in Virtual Heritage', Farnham: Ashgate. 2012. 336p, ISBN-10: 0754675831 ISBN-13: 978-0754675839. £54. Library and Information Research, 37 (115). pp. 83-84. ISSN 1756-1086

Bowman, S. A. (2013) Please vacate the library! In: Umbrella 2013 Conference and Exhibition, 2-3 Jul 2013, The University of Manchester. (Unpublished)

Brown, G. and Edmunds, S. (2013) Lectures. In: A practical guide for medical teachers, 4th edition. Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier, London, pp. 61-68. ISBN 9780702045516

Bryant, M. (2013) Romancing the throne: Maintenon's journey from secret royal governess to the Sun King's clandestine consort, 1669-84. In: Society of French Historical Studies 59th Annual Meeting, 4-7 April 2013, Cambridge Marriott Hotel Cambridge, MA. (Unpublished)

Buckley, S., Holmes, J. and Bennett, S. J. (2013) Computerized Memory Training Leads to Sustained Improvement in Visuospatial Short-Term Memory Skills in Children with Down Syndrome. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 118 (3). pp. 179-192. ISSN 1944-7558

Burkitt, E. and Sheppard, L. (2013) Children’s colour use to portray themselves and others with happy, sad and mixed emotion. Educational Psychology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 0144-3410

Burkitt, E. and Watling, D. (2013) The impact of audience age and familiarity on children's drawings of themselves in contrasting affective states. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 37 (3). pp. 222-234. ISSN 0165-0254


Chandler, A. (2013) The latter glory of this house: Two Christian commonwealths in Britain, 1828-1980. Other. Darton, Longman & Todd, London.

Chandler, A. and Hansen, C. (2013) Observing Vatican II: The confidential reports of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Representative, Bernard Pawley, 1961-5. Fifth Series, 43 . Cambridge University Press: Royal Historical Society, Cambridge.

Chilumuri, A., Ashioti, M., Nercessian, A. N. and Milton, N. G. N. (2013) Immunolocalization of kisspeptin associated with amyloid-β deposits in the ons of an Alzheimer's disease patient. Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases, 2013 (879710). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2090-858X

Chilumuri, A. and Milton, N. G. N. (2013) The role of neurotransmitters in protection against amyloid- β toxicity by KiSS-1 overexpression in SH-SY5Y neurons. ISRN neuroscience, 2013 (253210). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2314-4661

Chilumuri, A., Odell, M. and Milton, N. G. N. (2013) Benzothiazole aniline tetra(ethylene glycol) and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole inhibit neuroprotection against amyloid peptides by catalase overexpression in vitro. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 4 (11). pp. 1501-1512. ISSN 1948-7193

Coakley, J. J. and Souza, D. L. (2013) Sport mega-events: can legacies and development be equitable and sustainable? Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 19 (3). pp. 580-589. ISSN 1980-6574

Crisp, P. (2013) Mentoring - the Coach Support Officer Role 2013 - a pilot study: Interim Evaluation. Project Report. Active Sussex, Falmer, Brighton.

Crisp, P. (2013) An evaluation of the CoachSussex Bursary scheme – one year on. Project Report. Active Sussex Library of Sport, Brighton, UK.

Crisp, P. and Twitchen, A. (2013) Embedding Sports Leaders UK courses in an HEI course - a case study and recommendations. Project Report. Sports Leaders UK, Chichester. (Unpublished)

Croft, T., Duah, F. and Birgit, L. (2013) I'm worried about the correctness: Undergraduate students as producers of screen-casts of mathematical explanations for their peers - lecturer and student perceptions. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44 (7). pp. 1045-1055. ISSN 0020-739X

Crossland, R. (2013) '[M]ultitudinous and Minute': Early Twentieth-Century Scientific, Literary and Psychological Representations of the Mass. Journal of Literature and Science, 6 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1754-646X

Crossland, R. (2013) What D. H. Lawrence Understood of 'The Einstein theory': Relativity in 'Fantasia of the Unconscious' and 'Kangaroo'. Science and Literature The Great Divide?: Working Papers in the Humanities, 7. pp. 24-32. ISSN 1994-8662


Daniels, R. (2013) La Boite Noir. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Day, M. C. (2013) The role of initial physical activity experiences in promoting posttraumatic growth in Paralympic athletes with an acquired disability. Disability and Rehabilitation. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0963-8288

Day, M. C., Bond, K. and Smith, B. (2013) Holding it together: Coping with vicarious trauma in sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1469-0292

De La Rue, S., Draper, S. B., Potter, C. R. and Smith, M. S. (2013) Energy expenditure in rock/pop drumming. International Journal of Sports Medicine. ISSN 0172-4622

Duah, F., Croft, T. and Inglis, M. (2013) Can peer assisted learning be effective in undergraduate mathematics? International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45 (4). pp. 552-565. ISSN 0020-739X

Duarte, S., Armstrong, J., Roche, A., Ortez, C., Perez, A., O’Callaghan, M. d. M., Pereira, A., Sanmarti, F., Ormazabal, A., Artuch, R., Pineda, M. and Garcia-Cazorla, A. (2013) Abnormal expression of cerebrospinal fluid cation chloride cotransporters in patients with Rett Syndrome. PLOS One, 8 (7). ISSN 1932-6203

Duggan, R. (2013) The Grotesque in Contemporary British Fiction. Other. Manchester University Press.

Duggan, R. (2013) The geopolitics of inner space in contemporary British fiction. Textual Practice, 27 (4). ISSN 1470-1308 (Submitted)

Dunkerley, H. (2013) Madonna and child. The London Magazine. ISSN 0024-6085

Dunkerley, H. (2013) Postcolonialism for Beginners. The London Magazine. pp. 57-70. ISSN 0024-6085


Edmunds, S., Hurst, L. and Harvey, K. (2013) Physical activity barriers in the workplace: An exploration of factors contributing to non-participation in a UK workplace physical activity intervention. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 6 (3). ISSN 1753-8351

Edmunds, S., Stephenson, D. and Clow, A. (2013) The effects of a physical activity intervention on employees in small and medium enterprises: A mixed methods study. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 46 (1). pp. 39-49. ISSN 1051-9815

Eldridge, D., Pulling, C. and Robins, M. T. (2013) Visual exploratory activity and resultant behavioural analysis of youth midfield soccer players. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 8 (3). pp. 560-577. ISSN 1988-5202

Eldridge, D., Pulling, C. and Robins, M. T. (2013) Visual exploratory activity in youth soccer players. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 8 (2). pp. 486-487. ISSN 1988-5202

Everley, S. (2013) Narrative pedagogy: Life history and learning. British Educational Research Journal, 39 (5). pp. 950-952. ISSN 0141-1926


Fairchild, N. (2013) The Early Years - Formal education too soon? In: University of Chichester Research Conference, 12 July 2013, University of Chichester, Bognor Regis. (Unpublished)

Fairchild, N. (2013) The Early Years Professional and what it offers Montessori Practitioners. Montessori International Magazine, 107. pp. 30-31. ISSN 1354-1498

Fairchild, N. and Karousou, R. (2013) Final report - An Evaluation of the Boogie Mites Early Years Music Education Programmes in respect of parents and practitioners. Commission by Boogie Mites UK Ltd. Project Report. University of Chichester, Chichester. (Unpublished)

Farman, V. (2013) Everyday Hero. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Flexer, Y. (2013) In-Between dancing and the everyday: A Choreographic Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Flexer, Y. (2013) Weightless. [Videos]


Gault, M. L., Clements, R. E. and Willems, M. E. T. (2013) Cardiovascular responses during downhill treadmill walking at self-selected intensity in older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 21 (3). pp. 335-347. ISSN 1063-8652

Gault, M. L. and Willems, M. E. T. (2013) Aging, functional capacity and eccentric exercise training. Aging and Disease, 4 (6). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2152-5250

Gault, M. L. and Willems, M. E. T. (2013) Isometric strength and steadiness adaptations of the knee extensor muscles to level and downhill treadmill walking in older adults. Biogerontology, 14 (2). pp. 197-208. ISSN 1389-5729

Gavin, J. P., Myers, S. D. and Willems, M. E. T. (2013) Physiological responses at various lactate markers for running at 4 and 8 minute treadmill increments. Sport Scientific and Practical Aspects: International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology, 10 (1). pp. 5-14. ISSN 1840-4561

Glazier, P. S. and Robins, M. T. (2013) Self-organisation and constraints in sports performance. In: Routledge Handbook of Sports Performance Analysis. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415673617

Green, K. (2013) The hospital of St Mary, Chichester: a history from 1229 to the present. Otter Memorial Papers, 34 . University of Chichester, Chichester, West Sussex. ISBN 9781907852220

Greenlees, I. A., Eynon, M. and Thelwell, R. C. (2013) Color of soccer goalkeepers' uniforms influences the outcome of penalty kicks. Perceptual & Motor Skills. ISSN 0031-5125


Habib, I. and Salkeld, D. (2013) The Resonables of Boroughside, Southwark: an Elizabethan black family near the Rose Theatre/Alienating laughter in The Merchant of Venice: a reply to Imtiaz Habib. Shakespeare. pp. 1-22. ISSN 1745-0918

Harper, C., Browne, K., Jenzen, O., Karl, I. and O'Donnell, K. (2013) Revolting bodies: Desiring lesbians. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 17 (3-4). pp. 209-214. ISSN 1089-4160

Harris-Deans, D. (2013) Social and cultural change as portrayed in the novels of David Lodge. Masters thesis, University of Chichester.

Hayes, J. (2013) Soul and Spirit in Dance Movement Psychotherapy: A Transpersonal Approach. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. ISBN 9781849053082

Howe, D. (2013) The Body and Being in Performance - deep awareness to enrich a dance practice. Masters thesis, University of Chichester.

Hunter, V. (2013) Creative Pathways: Developing Lifelong Learning for Community Dance Practitioners. In: Lifelong Learning, the arts and Community Cultural engagement in the Contemporary University: International Perspectives, Manchester University Press. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN ISBN: 978-0-7190-8801-8

Hunter, V. (2013) Creative pathways: Developing lifelong learning for community dance practitioners. In: Lifelong Learning, the Arts and Community Cultural Engagement in the Contemporary University: International Perspectives. Universities and Lifelong Learning . Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719088018


Jannides, C. (2013) The SocioKinetic-bodymAPP: An Improvisation Tool for a Dance and Movement Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Jessop, D., Sparks, P., Buckland, N., Harris, P. and Churchill, S. (2013) Combining Self-Affirmation and Implementation Intentions: Evidence of Detrimental Effects on Behavioral Outcomes. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. ISSN 0883-6612

Johnston, R. (2013) Making stories. Making Futures, 3. ISSN 2042-1664

Joinson, S. (2013) A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar. Bloomsbury, London, UK. ISBN 9781408830918


Keogh, J. W. L., Lake, J. P. and Swinton, P. (2013) Practical applications of biomechanical principles in resistance training: moments and moment arms. Journal of Fitness Research, 2 (2). pp. 39-48. ISSN 2201-5655


Law, K. (2013) Review Essay: ‘Business as Usual? Politics, Hegemony and Elite Manoeuvrings in Zimbabwe since the signing of the Global Political Agreement’. International Journal of African Historical Studies, 46 (3). pp. 443-450. ISSN 0361-7882

Leseure, M., Bennett, D. and Lee, T.-R. (2013) The competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing beyond the Lewis Turning Point: The role of explorative technology transfer. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China. Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. ISBN 9781902546186

Little, J. D. and Welch, C. (2013) The Definitive Guide to the Rise and Fall of British Steam [An Illustrated History of British Steam Locomotion]. Igloo Books, Sywell, Northants.. ISBN 978-1-78197-384-4

Lobel, B. (2013) Ball & Other Funny Stories About Cancer. [Shows/Exhibitions]


MacLeod, A. J. (2013) Unexploded. Hamish Hamilton/Penguin. ISBN 9780241142639

Malliaropoulos, N., Callan, M. and Pluim, B. (2013) Judo, the gentle way. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47 (18). p. 1137. ISSN 0306-3674

Manley, A. J., Greenlees, I. A., Smith, M. J., Batten, J. and Birch, P. D. J. (2013) The influence of coach reputation on the behavioral responses of male soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. ISSN 0905-7188

Mantle, M. (2013) Developing the quality of reflection by post-graduate student teachers, of physical education in initial teacher education, through supporting reflective practice. In: Bera Annual Conference, 3 - 5 September 2013, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)

Mason, M. R. (2013) Impossible histories: Derrida, the (re)turn of religion in cultural criticism, and messianic historical theory. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Mikuska, E. (2013) Emotions as a specific aspect of Higher Education. In: CNR-NOVELLA research day - To think is to experiment, 1 May 2013, University of East London. (Unpublished)

Mikuska, E. (2013) Enter the world of the student's emotion. In: Research and Scholarship Conference, 03 Jul 2013, University of Chichester, Bognor Regis Campus. (Unpublished)

Mikuska, E. (2013) Epistemological issues which are fundamental to examining how mature students experience their undergraduate degree in the UK. Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.

Morgan, S. (2013) A ‘Feminist Conspiracy’: Maude Royden, women's ministry and the British press, 1916–1921. Women's History Review. pp. 1-24. ISSN 0961-2025

Morgan, S. (2013) "Iron strength and infinite tenderness": Herbert Gray and the making of Christian masculinities at war and at home, 1900-1940. In: Men, Masculinities and Religious Change in Twentieth Century Britain. Genders and sexualities in history . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137281746

Morgan, S. (2013) Sex and common-sense: Maude Royden, religion, and modern sexuality. The Journal of British Studies, 52 (01). pp. 153-178. ISSN 0021-9371

Morgan, S. and Delap, L. (2013) Men, Masculinities and Religious Change in Twentieth Century Britain. Genders and sexualities in history . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137281746

Muscat-Moulton, A. (2013) 'Not enough benches in the pjazza': Forced migrants, integration, and Maltese identity. Masters thesis, University of Southampton; University of Chichester.


Noys, B. (2013) Days of phuture past: accelerationism in the present moment. In: Accelerationism – A Symposium on Tendencies in Capitalism, 14 Dec 2013, Berlin. (Unpublished)

Noys, B. (2013) Derailing the train: Brutal accelerations and brutal interruptions. In: Brute Symposium, 3 May 2013, Centre for Creative Collaboration, London. (Unpublished)

Noys, B. (2013) ‘Guy Debord’s Time-Image: In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (1978). Grey Room, 52. pp. 94-107. ISSN 1526-3819

Noys, B. (2013) My own public Germany: Notes on Michael Haneke’s 'The White Ribbon' (2009). In: The White Ribbon, Screening and Discussion, 15 April 2013, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)

Noys, B. (2013) The violence of representation and the representation of violence. In: Violence and the Limits of Representation. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137296894

Noys, B. (2013) The war of time: occupation, resistance, communization. Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, 10 (2). pp. 83-92. ISSN 1857- 8616


O’Hora, D. P., Tyndall, I., McMorrow, M. and Dale, R. A. C. (2013) Using action dynamics to assess competing stimulus control during stimulus equivalence testing. Journal of Learning & Behavior. ISSN 1543-4508


Page, J. L. (2013) The BASES expert statement on the effectiveness of vision training programmes. The Sport and Exercise Scientist, 38. pp. 12-13.

Parfitt-Brown, C. (2013) The problem of popularity: the cancan between the French and digital revolutions. In: Bodies of Sound: Studies Across Popular Music and Dance. Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series . Ashgate, Surrey. ISBN 9781409445173

Pike, E. (2013) Conclusions on Social Theory and Outdoor Adventure. In: Outdoor Adventure and Social Theory. Routledge. ISBN 9780415532662

Pike, E. (2013) Identity Politics in the Outdoor Adventure Environment. In: Outdoor Adventure and Social Theory. Routledge. ISBN 9780415532662

Pike, E. (2013) Introducing Social Theory in Outdoor Adventure. In: Outdoor Adventure and Social Theory. Routledge. ISBN 9780415532662

Pike, E. (2013) Methodological Issues in Researching Physical Activity in Later Life. In: Doing Real World Research in Sport Studies. Routledge. ISBN 9780415505253

Pike, E., Almeida, B. and Marchi, W. (2013) The 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Brazil’s soft power. Contemporary Social Science, 9 (2). ISSN 2158-2041

Popper, S. (2013) Re-thinking Superhero and Weapon Play: Superheros and Children's Moral Development. 9780335247066 . Open University Press: McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead, Berkshire. ISBN 9780335247066

Preston, J. and Robins, D. (2013) Evaluating the long term impacts of transport policy: The case of passenger rail privatisation. Research in Transportation Economics, 39 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0739-8859

Pulling, C. (2013) Using video in physical education. Physical Education Matters, 8 (1). pp. 30-21. ISSN 1751-0988

Pulling, C., Robins, M. T. and Rixon, T. (2013) Defending corner kicks: Analysis from the English Premier League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 13 (1). pp. 135-148. ISSN 1474-8185


Quinn, P. (2013) Note on the Martyrs Fireback. Sussex Past and Present (131). p. 8. ISSN 1357-7417


Rickard, C. (2013) Essential Primary Mathematics. Essential Primary series . Open University Press: McGraw Hill Education, Maidenhead. ISBN 9780335247028

Rickard, C. (2013) Subtraction: Searching for Flexibility. Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, 234. pp. 37-39. ISSN 0025-5785

Roberts, S. B. (2013) Lady Gaga's Religion: Theology and Popular Music. In: Research Seminar, 13th June 2013, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Roberts, S. B. (2013) Walter Benjamin’s Flâneur: a model for the chaplain as public theologian? In: Chaplaincy as Public Theology, 5 - 6 Dec 2013, Cardiff Centre for Chaplaincy Studies. (Unpublished)

Robins, D. and Cooper, D. (2013) Aldrington Basin, Shoreham harbour, A Delivery Plan. Project Report. University of Chichester, Chichester, UK.

Rodham, K., Fox, F. and Doran, N. (2013) Exploring analytical trustworthiness and the process of reaching consensus in Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Lost in transcription. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 1364-5579

Rubidge, S. F. (2013) On choreographic space. In: Dance Spaces: Practices of Movement. University Press of Southern Denmark, Odense. ISBN 9788776746896


Sakuta, A. (2013) Exhibit 1-6. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Scicluna, A. (2013) A chain of mayors: the Mayors of Chichester (1239-2013), with portraits and brief biographies. Otter Memorial Papers, 31 . University of Chichester, Chichester, West Sussex. ISBN 9781907852190

Smith, A. W. M. (2013) ‘Je suis socialiste et quinziste’: rugby, wine and socialism in the Aude since 1976. National Identities, 16 (4). pp. 291-309. ISSN 1460-8944

Smith, M. J., Arthur, C. A., Hardy, J., Callow, N. and Williams, D. (2013) Transformational leadership and task cohesion in sport: The mediating role of intrateam communication. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14 (2). pp. 249-257. ISSN 1469-0292

Smith, N. A. and Shay, R. (2013) Ideal dive technique in high one-handed soccer saves: Top hand versus bottom hand. In: Science and Football VII: The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Science and Football. Science and Football, VII . Routledge. ISBN 9780203131879

Stevens, K. (2013) Character and Setting. In: The Writers' Hub, 04 Sept 2013, New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth. (Unpublished)

Stevens, K. (2013) Reading of Short Story 'Where You're Heading'. In: NAWE International Conference 2013, 15-17 Nov 2013, Park Inn, York. (Unpublished)

Stevens, K. (2013) The Telling Detail. In: Chichester Writers' Circle, 02 Feb 2014, Bassil Shippam Centre, Chichester. (Unpublished)


Thomas, S., Reeves, C., Agombar, J. and Greenlees, I. A. (2013) PERSONALITY HARDINESS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF COMPETITIVE MOTORCYCLING. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 116 (1). pp. 315-321. ISSN 0031-5125

Thompson, B. (2013) Policy, Practice and Principles: Narrative accounts from women in Higher Education. @ I don't care what you think, just do it'. In: Gender and Education Conference, April 2013, Southbank University London. (Unpublished)


Warwick, R. and Board, D. (2013) The social development of leadership and knowledge - a reflexive inquiry into research and practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137005502

Warwick, R. and Burden, P. (2013) Editorial: Exploring conscious business practice - sensing as we act, reacting to what we sense. eOrganisation & People, 20 (4). pp. 3-9.

Warwick, R. and Cunnane, D. (2013) Francis report: what went wrong with NHS leadership? The Guardian.

West, T. G., Toepfer, C. N., Woledge, R. C., Curtin, N. A., Rowlerson, A., Kalakoutis, M., Hudson, P. E. and Wilson, A. M. (2013) Power output of skinned skeletal muscle fibres from the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). The Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB), 216. pp. 2974-2982. ISSN 1477-9145

Weston, N., Greenlees, I. A. and Thelwell, R. (2013) A review of Butler and Hardy's (1992) performance profiling procedure within sport. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1750-984X

Westron, L. L. (2013) Legacy: landscape and authenticity in the literature of the American West. Doctoral thesis, University of Southampton; University of Chichester.

Wilson, A. M., Lowe, J. C., Roskilly, K., Hudson, P. E., Golabek, K. A. and McNutt, J. W. (2013) Locomotion dynamics of hunting in wild cheetahs. Nature, 498 (7453). pp. 185-189. ISSN 0028-0836

Wilson, R. (2013) Cultural Heritage of the Great War in Britain. Heritage, Culture and Identity . Ashgate. ISBN 9781409445739

Wilson, R. (2013) Volunteering for service: digital co-curation and the First World War. International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 1 (4). pp. 519-534. ISSN 2047-4970

Wyss, M. (2013) The Gendarme stays in Africa: France's military role in Côte d'Ivoire. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 3 (1). pp. 81-111. ISSN 2156-695X


Zanotti, M. (2013) A meeting place: Translating Ben Wright’s 'Passing Strange and Wonderful' to the screen. Choreographic Practices, 4 (1). pp. 47-58. ISSN 2040-5669

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