Items where Subject is "HQ The family. Marriage. Women"

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Number of items at this level: 50.


Adi, H. (2010) Amy Ashwood Garvey and the Nigerian Progress Union. In: Gendering the African Diaspora: Women, Culture, and Historical Change in the Caribbean and Nigerian Hinterland. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, pp. 199-218. ISBN 9780253354167


Baeza, S. (2020) Swimming with sharks: what do Social Workers experience when working with families where sexual abuse is the primary factor? Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Baines, I. (2022) What are the Key Influences on Parent’s Decisions for their Feeding Choices for their New-born Babies. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Barker, S. (2003) Allarme to England!”; Gender and Militarism in Early Modern England. In: Gender, Power, and Privilege in Early Modern Europe. Women and Men in History . Longman, Harlow and London. ISBN 9780582423299

Bryant, M. (2017) ‘Romancing the Throne’: Mme de Maintenon’s Journey from Secret Royal Governess to Louis XIV’s Clandestine Consort, 1652–84. The Court Historian, 22 (2). pp. 123-150. ISSN 1462-9712

Burrell, R. (2021) FASHION: A CALL TO REVOLT The Role of Sixties Fashion in the Lead up to the Women’s Liberation Movement in Britain. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Cartei, V., Reby, D., Garnham, A., Oakhill, J. and Banerjee, R. (2022) Peer audience effects on children's vocal masculinity and femininity. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 377 (1841). p. 20200397. ISSN 1471-2970

Clark, N. (2017) A ‘conservative’ family? The Howard women and responses to religious change during the early Reformation, c .1530-1558. Historical Research, 90 (248). pp. 318-340. ISSN 0950-3471

Cooper, N. (2024) Children’s Emotional Well-being and COVID-19. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Cree, V. E., MacKenzie, B., Edgar, D. and Foy, R. (2024) Stories from Edzell Lodge children’s home in the 1940s and 1950s: lessons for practice and research. European Social Work Research, 2 (2). pp. 136-149. ISSN 2755-1768


Duck, C. (2021) A 21st century view of breast feeding in the England: A qualitative study on the experience of breastfeeding of 20 women in the United Kingdom. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Everley, S. (2023) Displacement, replacement and creative endeavour; English Children’s Experiences of ‘Lockdown’ – a basis for planning? Education 3-13. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0300-4279


Feaver, V. and Shapcott, J. (2002) Elizabeth Bishop: 'The reclamation of female space'. In: Elizabeth Bishop: Poet of the Periphery. Bloodaxe Poetry Series (1). Bloodaxe, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 87-102. ISBN 9781852245566

Frey, H. (2022) Summertime France as Ethno-Sociological Experiment Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary in Jacques Rozier’s "Du côté d’Orouët" (1969). Imaginaires, 24. pp. 131-147. ISSN 2780-1896


Harper, C. (2018) The Canon and the Gift. Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, 16 (3). pp. 259-265. ISSN 1475-9756

Harper, C. (2009) Double dresses for double brides. In: Fashion in fiction: text and clothing in literature, film and television. Berg Publishers, London, pp. 105-113. ISBN 9781847883575

Harper, C. (2014) Sex, birth and nurture unto death: patching together quilted bed covers. In: Love objects: emotion, design and material culture. Bloomsbury Publishing Company, London, pp. 31-40. ISBN 9780857858467

Hewison, R. (2022) An Exploration into Mothers’ Experiences of the First Four Weeks of Weaning. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Johnson, L. (2022) An investigation into the impacts COVID-19 has had on babies born during the pandemic and their families. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Joinson, S. (2024) The museum of lost and fragile things: a year of salvage. The Indigo Press, London, UK, pp. 1-296. ISBN 9781911648680


Karim, E. (2022) The Hidden pandemic :a critical analysis of whether the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 goes far enough to protect victims of domestic violence. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Laxton, D. and Cooper, L. (2024) Global refugee crisis: focus on the child. In: Contemporary issues and the 21st century child: new perspectives in childhood. Sage, London, pp. 95-110. ISBN 9781529618778

Laxton, D., Cooper, L. and Younie, S. (2021) Translational research in action: The use of technology to disseminate information to parents during the COVID‐19 pandemic. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52 (4). pp. 1538-1553. ISSN 1467-8535

Lyndon, S., Solvaso, C. and Webb, R. (2024) ‘It’s a struggle’ – the role of the school Health and Well-being Lead in supporting families in poverty. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1759-8281

Lyndon, S. (2019) Early Years Practitioners' narratives of poverty in early childhood. Doctoral thesis, University of Sussex.

Lyndon, S. (2021) The poverty paradox - poor practitioners supporting families in poverty. The Early Education Journal (95). ISSN 1082-3301


Mantell, A. (2010) Under a cloud: carers' experiences of Huntington's Disease. Social Care and Neurodisability, 1 (2). pp. 33-41. ISSN 2042-874X

Mantin, R. (2004) Thealogies in process: re-searching and theorising spiritualities, subjectivities, and goddess-talk. In: Researching Paganisms. Pagan Studies Series . Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, pp. 147-170. ISBN 0759105227

Mantin, R. (2004) Theaological reflections on embodiment. Feminist Theology, 12 (2). pp. 212-227. ISSN 0966-7350

Mason, A. (2019) An analysis of maternal and paternal attachments with children aged 5-16 who have received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Metelerkamp, E. (2019) An investigation into the areas of social interaction and communication in children (0-25) with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the UK. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Mikuska, E. (2020) Nursery workers’ narratives: what makes a ‘good’ nursery worker? Doctoral thesis, London Metropolitan University.


Newell, C., Sandoz, E. and Tyndall, I. (2022) A pilot study of the impact of brief exposure to images of breastfeeding mothers on attitudes towards mother’s breastfeeding in public. Health Communication, 37 (2). pp. 185-190. ISSN 1532-7027


Payler, J., Cooper, V. and Bennett, S. J. (2024) Optimal development for the children of prisoners? How children with a parent in prison are supported and why it matters. Children & Society. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1099-0860

Price, F. (2009) Revolutions in Taste, 1773-1818: Women Writers and the Aesthetics of Romanticism. Ashgate, Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780754660262

Price, F. (2012) “A great deal of history”: Romantic women writers and historical fiction. Women's Writing, 19 (3). pp. 259-272. ISSN 1747-5848


Richardson, A. (2003) Gender and space in English royal palaces c.1160-c.1547: A study in access analysis and imagery. Medieval Archaeology, 47. pp. 131-165. ISSN 0076-6097


Salkeld, D. (2012) Shakespeare among the courtesans: prostitution, literature, and drama, 1500-1650. Anglo-Italian Renaissance Studies . Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780754663874

Sherman, S.R. (2022) Call the Midwife: A History of Midwifery in Mid-Twentieth Century Britain. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Smith, O. (2021) “Beauty or Beast?” Female representation, the social construct, and gender relations in seventeenth century English ballads. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Solvason, C., Lyndon, S. and Webb, R. (2024) Oh … that Mommy needs a bit of help as well”: why every school needs a health and wellbeing lead. Health Education. ISSN 0965-4283

Sutton, A. (2003) The symbolism of marriage and of the parent-child relationship: A comparison between Karl Barth and John Paul II. New Blackfriars, 84 (984). pp. 64-79. ISSN 0028-4289


Tristram, E. (2016) Eric translated: an experimental family memoir. Doctoral thesis, University of Chichester.

Truelove, G. (2019) The real victims: An exploration into how experiences of violence during childhood causes youth offending. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Turner, D. (2012) Parents of children who die should not be treated like criminals. The Guardian.

Turner, D. (2017) Perspectives on the experience of sudden, unexpected child death: the very worst thing? Palgrave McMillan, UK. ISBN 978319660172

Turner, D. (2015) "Research You Cannot talk About": A personal account of researching sudden, unexpected child death. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 24 (2). pp. 73-87. ISSN 1552-6968

Turner, D. (2023) Review of : Covid-19 Collaborations: Researching Poverty and Low-Income Family Life during the pandemic, Kayleigh Garthwaite, Ruth Patrick, Maddy Power, Anna Tarrant and Rosalie Warnock (eds), Bristol UK, Policy Press, 228 pp., ISBN 9781447364481, £27.99 (p/b). The British Journal of Social Work, 53 (4). pp. 2470-2472. ISSN 0045-3102

Turner, D. (2023) Review of: When Words Are Not Enough: Creative Responses to Grief, Jane Harris, and Jimmy Edmonds, Hawthorn Books, UK, 2022, pp. xx +112, ISBN 978-1-91248-057-9, £19.99 (p/b). The British Journal of Social Work, 54 (1). pp. 523-524. ISSN 0045-3102


Wadey, C. A., Leggat, F. J., Potter, J. A., Amir, N. H., Forsythe, L., Stuart, A. G., Barker, A. R. and Williams, C. A. (2023) Parental recommendations and exercise attitudes in congenital hearts. Cardiology in the young. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1467-1107

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