Flexer, Y. (2011) Not About Love. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Howe, D. (2011) Seeing, Being, Being Seen. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Jenkins, L. (2011) Smoke for Dust. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Chubb, S. (2011) One Minute. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Bacon, J. (2011) Psyche’s Witness and Sensualities. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Legg, S. (2011) Recital of Peter Pope songs. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Legg, S. (2011) Recital of Peter Pope songs. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Legg, S. (2011) Recital of Peter Pope songs. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Chubb, S. (2011) One Hour. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Daniels, R. (2011) The Incredible Book Eating Boy. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Daniels, R. (2011) Une Boite Andalouse. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Flexer, Y., Wright, B. and Charmock, N. (2011) Consequences. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Zanotti, M. (2011) What if... [Shows/Exhibitions]
Legg, S. (2011) Mahler: Das Klagende Lied. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Zanotti, M. and Morrissey, C. (2011) This way up. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Johnston, R. (2011) One Kilogramme of Red Wool (Sea). [Shows/Exhibitions]
McDade, S. (2011) Entrance to a Lane. [Shows/Exhibitions]