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[17] research outputs


Mantle, M. (2013) Developing the quality of reflection by post-graduate student teachers, of physical education in initial teacher education, through supporting reflective practice. In: Bera Annual Conference, 3 - 5 September 2013, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)

March 2013

Bihet, F. (2013) Sprites, spiritualists and sleuths: the intersecting ownership of transcendent proofs in the Cottingley Fairy Fraud. In: Afterlife: 18th Postgraduate Religion and Theology Conference, 8-9 March 2013, University of Bristol. (Unpublished)

April 2013

Thompson, B. (2013) Policy, Practice and Principles: Narrative accounts from women in Higher Education. @ I don't care what you think, just do it'. In: Gender and Education Conference, April 2013, Southbank University London. (Unpublished)

Bryant, M. (2013) Romancing the throne: Maintenon's journey from secret royal governess to the Sun King's clandestine consort, 1669-84. In: Society of French Historical Studies 59th Annual Meeting, 4-7 April 2013, Cambridge Marriott Hotel Cambridge, MA. (Unpublished)

15 April 2013

Noys, B. (2013) My own public Germany: Notes on Michael Haneke’s 'The White Ribbon' (2009). In: The White Ribbon, Screening and Discussion, 15 April 2013, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)

25 April 2013

Bhabha, H. (2013) Using Finite Element Analysis as a Design Tool for Rotamoulded Parts. In: BPF Rotational Moulders Group Tooling Seminar, 25th April 2013, MPH Training and Conference Centre, Gateshead, Newcastle, UK..

1 May 2013

Mikuska, E. (2013) Emotions as a specific aspect of Higher Education. In: CNR-NOVELLA research day - To think is to experiment, 1 May 2013, University of East London. (Unpublished)

3 May 2013

Noys, B. (2013) Derailing the train: Brutal accelerations and brutal interruptions. In: Brute Symposium, 3 May 2013, Centre for Creative Collaboration, London. (Unpublished)

13 June 2013

Roberts, S. B. (2013) Lady Gaga's Religion: Theology and Popular Music. In: Research Seminar, 13th June 2013, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

1 July 2013

Stevens, K. (2013) Character and Setting. In: The Writers' Hub, 04 Sept 2013, New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth. (Unpublished)

Stevens, K. (2013) Reading of Short Story 'Where You're Heading'. In: NAWE International Conference 2013, 15-17 Nov 2013, Park Inn, York. (Unpublished)

2 July 2013

Bowman, S. A. (2013) Please vacate the library! In: Umbrella 2013 Conference and Exhibition, 2-3 Jul 2013, The University of Manchester. (Unpublished)

3 July 2013

Mikuska, E. (2013) Enter the world of the student's emotion. In: Research and Scholarship Conference, 03 Jul 2013, University of Chichester, Bognor Regis Campus. (Unpublished)

12 July 2013

Fairchild, N. (2013) The Early Years - Formal education too soon? In: University of Chichester Research Conference, 12 July 2013, University of Chichester, Bognor Regis. (Unpublished)

1 October 2013

Stevens, K. (2013) The Telling Detail. In: Chichester Writers' Circle, 02 Feb 2014, Bassil Shippam Centre, Chichester. (Unpublished)

December 2013

Roberts, S. B. (2013) Walter Benjamin’s Flâneur: a model for the chaplain as public theologian? In: Chaplaincy as Public Theology, 5 - 6 Dec 2013, Cardiff Centre for Chaplaincy Studies. (Unpublished)

14 December 2013

Noys, B. (2013) Days of phuture past: accelerationism in the present moment. In: Accelerationism – A Symposium on Tendencies in Capitalism, 14 Dec 2013, Berlin. (Unpublished)

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