Frey, H. and Baetens, J. (2015) The Graphic Novel: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, New York. ISBN 9781107655768
Edom, G., Johnston, R., Rance-Riley, S., Slay, K. and Wright, M., eds. (2015) Beneath the Water Tower: The Graylingwell Heritage Project. Graylingwell History Project, Chichester. ISBN 9781907852343
Daniels, R. (2015) D.I.Y. Too. University of Chichester, Chichester, West Sussex. ISBN 9781907852367
Lobel, B. (2015) BALL & Other Funny Stories About Cancer. Oberon. ISBN 9781849433266
Foyle, N. (2015) Rook Song. The Gaia Chronicles, Two . Jo Fletcher Books, London, UK. ISBN 9781782069195
Linell, A., ed. (2015) Dementia: How to Live Well. Listening to...., 4 . University of Chichester. ISBN 9781907852237
Abbott, R. and Burkitt, E. (2015) Child Development and the Brain: An Introduction. Policy Press, Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781447307044
Berry, M., Lomax, J. and Hodgson, C. I. (2015) Adventure Sports Coaching. Routledge. ISBN 9780415746021
Hunter, V. (2015) Moving Sites: Investigating Site-Specific Dance Performance. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415710176
Swann, D. (2015) Stronger Faster Shorter: flash fitctions. Flash: The International Short-Short Story Press, Chester. ISBN 9780993182204
Quin, E., Rafferty, S. and Tomlinson, C. (2015) Safe Dance Practice. An Applied Dance Science Perspective. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, United States. ISBN 9781450496452
Sutton, A. (2015) The Political Economy of Imperial Relations: Britain, the Sterling Area, and Malaya 1945-1960. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137373977