Items where Subject is "HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform"

Group by: CreatorsPublication Type
Number of items at this level: 59.


Adi, H. (2010) The Comintern and black workers in Britain and France, 1919–37. Immigrants & Minorities, 28 (2-3). pp. 224-245. ISSN 0261-9288

Adi, H. (2009) The negro question: The communist international and black liberation in the interwar years. In: From Toussaint to Tupac: The Black International Since the Age of Revolution. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, pp. 155-175. ISBN 9780807859728

Ali, M. (2019) Field lessons in surveying healthcare waste management activities in Pakistan. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. ISSN 1020-3397

Ali, M., Marvuglia, A., Geng, Y., Chaudhry, N. and Khokhar, S. (2018) Emergy based carbon footprinting of household solid waste management scenarios in Pakistan. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 131. pp. 283-296. ISSN 0921-3449


Bhatti-Sinclair, K. and Smethurst, C. (2018) Understanding Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation. Seen and Heard Journal, 28 (4). pp. 41-54. ISSN 1744-1072

Bhatti-Sinclair, K. and Sutcliffe, C. (2020) Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation Offenders: Who and Why? Seen and Heard Journal, 30 (4). pp. 51-70. ISSN 1744-1072

Bogard, D. A. (2014) A scholarly publishing revolution? In: University of Chichester Research Conference, 17 July 2014, The Dome, Bognor Regis Campus. (Unpublished)

Burrell, R. (2021) FASHION: A CALL TO REVOLT The Role of Sixties Fashion in the Lead up to the Women’s Liberation Movement in Britain. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Chaieb, N. (2021) How difference and diversity of opinion within the women’s militant suffrage movement led to the formation of the Women’s Freedom League, 1903-1914. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Chubb, S. (2011) One Hour. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Chubb, S. (2011) One Minute. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Cooper, D. and Horwood, J. (2009) Final report on the West Sussex Post Office Closure Impact Study. Project Report. West Sussex County Council, Chichester, UK.

Crisp, P. (2024) Relationships, stability, and authenticity: How being yourself is ‘the’ key to community sport coaching and youth work. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1099-1298

Curry, N. (2003) Marxism, post-Marxism and the discourse of late capitalism: A critical evaluation of the work of Roy Bhaskar, Fredric Jameson and Ernesto Laclau. Doctoral thesis, University of Southampton; University of Chichester.


Harper, C. (2011) Knox Knox. The Dublin Quarterly: International Literary Review (16).

Haynes, P., Hart, A., Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S., Wood, M., Maitland, J. and Cameron, J. (2023) The contribution of a complex systems-based approach to progressive social resilience. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 28 (5). pp. 754-774. ISSN 1363-4593

Holman, P. (2020) Fear after dark : exploring women’s experiences of urban space at night through site dance film. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Hurst, L. (2003) Warrior nurse: Duality and complementarity of role in the operational environment. Doctoral thesis, University of Southampton; University of Chichester.


Joinson, S. (2023) Narrating heritage: oral history and inclusive growth. Discussion Paper. British Council.


Kan, V. and Mukhopadhyay, B. R. (2022) The Role of Migration in Women Entrepreneurship and Empowerment: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education, 2022 (1-2). pp. 187-212. ISSN 1821-1283

Kurowski, A. A. (2021) Book review Claire Cameron and Peter Moss (eds), Transforming early childhood in England: Towards a democratic education, UCL Press: London, 2020; 262 pp.: ISBN 9781787357174, £25.00 (pbk). Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 22 (1). pp. 100-101. ISSN 1463-9491


Liu, L., Donbavand, S., Hoskins, B., Janmaat, J. G. and Kavadias, D. (2021) Measuring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Active Citizenship Education Programmes to Support Disadvantaged Youth. Social Sciences, 10 (10). e394. ISSN 2076-0760

Lobel, B. (2017) Proud Disclosures and Awkward Receptions: Between bodies with cancer and their audiences. In: Applied Theatre: Performing Health and Well-Being. Applied Theatre . Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. ISBN 9781472584595

Locks, A. (2010) Anglo Argento: A critical reassessment of the films of Norman J. Warren. In: British Culture and Society in the 1970s: The Lost Decade. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 213-224. ISBN 9781443817349

Loftus, D. (1998) Social economy: Cultures of work and community in mid-Victorian England. Doctoral thesis, University of Southampton; University of Chichester.

Lynch, T. (2017) Social Construction and Social Critique: Haslanger, Race and the Study of Religion. Critical Research on Religion, 5 (3). pp. 284-301. ISSN 2050-3032

Lyndon, S. (2019) Troubling discourses of poverty in early childhood in the UK. Children and Society, 33 (6). pp. 602-609. ISSN 1099-0860


Mikuska, E. (2023) Conversation with my Classmates: displacement, war, and survival. Genealogy, 7 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2313-5778

Mikuska, E. and Raffai, J. (2018) Early childhood education and care for the Hungarian national minority in Vojvodina, Serbia. Early Years: An International Research Journal. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1472-4421

Milcoy, K. (2017) When the Girls Come Out to Play: Teenage Working-Class Girls' Leisure between the Wars. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK. ISBN 9781474279581

Morgan, S. (2013) "Iron strength and infinite tenderness": Herbert Gray and the making of Christian masculinities at war and at home, 1900-1940. In: Men, Masculinities and Religious Change in Twentieth Century Britain. Genders and sexualities in history . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137281746

Morgan, S. (2007) Wild oats or acorns? Social purity, sexual politics and the response of the late-Victorian church. Journal of Religious History, 31 (2). pp. 151-168. ISSN 0022-4227

Morgan, S. and Delap, L. (2013) Men, Masculinities and Religious Change in Twentieth Century Britain. Genders and sexualities in history . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137281746

Muggleton, D. (2002) From classlessness to clubculture: A genealogy of post-war British youth cultural analysis. Young: Nordic journal of youth research, 13 (2). pp. 205-219. ISSN 1103-3088

Muggleton, D. (2017) Brewing in West Sussex. Amberely Publishers, Stroud, Gloucestershire. ISBN 9781445657257

Muggleton, D. (2016) Brighton Pubs. Amberely Publishers, Stroud, Gloucestershire. ISBN 9781445649931

Muggleton, D. (2017) Chichester Pubs. Amberely Publishers, Stroud, Gloucestershire. ISBN 9781445670171

Mukhopadhyay, B. R. (2022) Business, Economy, and Society: Tales from the Pandemic Days. Business, Economy, and Society, 1-2 . Solent University, Southampton. ISBN 9781999654962

Mukhopadhyay, B. R. (2016) Solar energy based entrepreneurship and rural development: Analysing institutional arrangements that support solar energy entrepreneurs in India. Doctoral thesis, University of Sussex.


Noys, B. (2024) The crisis of the present moment and the crisis of contemporary theory. South Atlantic Quarterly, 123 (2). pp. 343-362. ISSN 0038-2876

Noys, B. (2005) The Culture of Death. Berg, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781845200688

Noys, B. (2013) The violence of representation and the representation of violence. In: Violence and the Limits of Representation. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137296894


Ostrowski, A. (2022) An Inalienable Right to be Gay: How Can the Modern British Conservative Party be an Ally to the LGBT+ Community? Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Pennington, J. (2003) The inns and taverns of western Sussex, 1550-1700 : a regional study of their architectural and social history. Doctoral thesis, University of Southampton; University of Chichester.

Piggott, L. V. and Pike, E. (2020) ‘CEO equals man’: Gender and informal organisational practices in English sport governance. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55 (7). pp. 1009-1025. ISSN 1012-6902


Richardson, A. (2023) Castles and Palaces. Routledge Resources Online - Medieval Studies.

Richardson, A. (2018) Gender and Space in the Later Middle Ages: past, present, and future routes. In: The Oxford Handbook of Later Medieval Archaeology in Britain. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 805-815. ISBN 9780198744719

Richardson, A. (2012) “Riding like Alexander, Hunting like Diana”: Gendered aspects of the medieval hunt and its landscape settings in England and France. Gender & History, 24 (2). pp. 253-270. ISSN 1468-0424


Scicluna, A. (2013) A chain of mayors: the Mayors of Chichester (1239-2013), with portraits and brief biographies. Otter Memorial Papers, 31 . University of Chichester, Chichester, West Sussex. ISBN 9781907852190

Sherman, S.R. (2022) Call the Midwife: A History of Midwifery in Mid-Twentieth Century Britain. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Smith, A. W. M. (2013) ‘Je suis socialiste et quinziste’: rugby, wine and socialism in the Aude since 1976. National Identities, 16 (4). pp. 291-309. ISSN 1460-8944


Tankard, D. (2015) Giles Moore's clothes: the clothing of a Sussex rector, 1656-1679. Costume, 49 (1). pp. 32-54. ISSN 0590-8876

Tankard, D. (2015) 'I think myself honestly decked': attitudes to the clothing of the rural poor in seventeenth-century England. Rural History, 26 (1). pp. 17-33. ISSN 0956-7933

Tankard, D. (2016) 'They tell me they were in fashion last year': Samuel and Elizabeth Jeake and clothing fashions in late seventeenth-century London and Rye. Costume, 50 (1). pp. 20-41. ISSN 0590-8876

Tankard, D. (2010) The Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, 1970 to 2010. The Local Historian, 40 (4). pp. 281-291.


Wilson, D., Spina, R. and Canaan, J. E. (2011) In praise of the carceral tour: Learning from the Grendon experience. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 50 (4). pp. 343-355. ISSN 0265-5527

Wilson, R. (2011) Remembering and forgetting sites of terrorism in New York, 1900-2001. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 6 (3). pp. 200-222. ISSN 1574-0773

Wilson, R. (2012) Remembering and forgetting the Great War in New York City. First World War Studies, 3 (1). pp. 87-106. ISSN 1947-5020

Wilson, R. (2012) Social reform and allotment gardening in twentieth-century York. Journal of Urban History, 38 (4). pp. 731-752. ISSN 1552-6771

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