The open access repository for the University of Chichester's research outputs.
Lee, B. J., Gibson, O., R., Thake, C. D., Tipton, M., Hawley, J., A. and Cotter, J. al (2019) Editorial: Cross Adaptation and Cross Tolerance in Human Health and Disease. Frontiers Media, London, UK.
Szpilman, D., Doyle, B., Smith, J., Griffiths, R. and Tipton, al (2018) Challenges and Feasibility of Applying Reasoning and Decision Making for a Lifeguard Undertaking a Rescue. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience, 19 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1522-4821
Page, J. L., Bates, V., Long, G., Dawes, P. and Tipton, al (2011) Beach lifeguards: visual search patterns, detection rates and the influence of experience. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 31 (3). pp. 216-224. ISSN 0275-5408
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