The open access repository for the University of Chichester's research outputs.
Flexer, Y. and Sandiland, N. (2020) Disappearing Acts. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 16 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1557-2935
Flexer, Y. and Sandiland, N. (2017) Digital Traces. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Flexer, Y. and Sandiland, N. (2010) Orbital. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Flexer, Y. and Sandiland, N. (2007) Doing, Done & Undone. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Flexer, Y. and Sandiland, N. (2023) Imagining otherwise. [Performances]
Flexer, Y., Sandiland, N., Dybwik, S. and Fossdal, al (2019) Curiouser. [Performances]
Flexer, Y. and Sandiland, N. (2007) Doing, Done & Undone. [Videos]
University of Chichester,
College Lane,
West Sussex, PO19 6PE