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Mikuska, E., Raffai, J. and Vukov Raffai, E. (2022) Secondary analysis of qualitative data: Hungarian minority kindergarten pedagogues’ perspectives of the new Curriculum Framework in Serbia. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 3 (3). pp. 259-269. ISSN 2717-638X
Raffai, J., Vukov Raffai, E. and Mikuska, E. (2018) Marking the 175th anniversary of the first Hungarian ethnic minority nursery in Vojvodina, the national identity and the importance of sustaining the native language A 175 éves vajdasági magyar óvodapedagógia a nemzeti identitás és az anyanyelvhasználat kérdésének tükrében. Tanulmányok.
Mikuska, E. and Raffai, J. (2018) Early childhood education and care for the Hungarian national minority in Vojvodina, Serbia. Early Years: An International Research Journal. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1472-4421