The open access repository for the University of Chichester's research outputs.
Poulus, D., Sharpe, B. T., Jackman, P., Swann, C. and Bennett, al (2024) Defining elite esports athletes: a scoping review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-36. ISSN 1750-984X
Leis, O., Sharpe, B. T., Pelikan, V., Nicholls, A., Fritsch, J. and Poulus, al (2024) Stressors and coping strategies in esports: a systematic review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-31. ISSN 1750-984X
Sharpe, B. T., Leis, O., Moore, L., Sharpe, A., Seymour, S., Obine, E. and Poulus, al (2024) Reappraisal and mindset interventions on pressurised esport performance. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 73 (4). pp. 2178-2199. ISSN 1464-0597
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