Harper, C. (2019) Lucy Brown: Secrets She Keeps from Herself. Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2051-1787
Harper, C. (2018) The Canon and the Gift. Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, 16 (3). pp. 259-265. ISSN 1475-9756
Harper, C. (2016) Oestrogen Rising 2016: Ireland's stained and bloodied cloths. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture (3). ISSN 1363-0296
Harper, C. (2015) Book Review: The William Morris family album. Selvedge (64). p. 87. ISSN 1742-254X
Harper, C., Browne, K., Jenzen, O., Karl, I. and O'Donnell, K. (2013) Revolting bodies: Desiring lesbians. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 17 (3-4). pp. 209-214. ISSN 1089-4160
Harper, C. and McDougall, K. (2012) The very recent fall and rise of Harris Tweed. Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, 10 (1). pp. 78-99. ISSN 1475-9756
Harper, C. (2011) Knox Knox. The Dublin Quarterly: International Literary Review (16).
Harper, C. (2008) I found myself inside her fur... Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, 6 (3). pp. 300-313. ISSN 1475-9756
Harper, C. (2008) Pecha Cucha: Lace. Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, 6 (2). pp. 112-125. ISSN 1475-9756
Harper, C. (2003) Narelle Jubelin at Goldsmiths College. Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, 1 (3). pp. 210-229. ISSN 1475-9756
Harper, C. (1999) Book Review: Re/dressing Cathleen: contemporary works from Irish women artists. Irish Studies Review, 7 (3). pp. 427-428. ISSN 0967-0882
Harper, C. (2017) Present or absent shirts: creation of a lexicon of erotic intimacy and masculine mourning. In: Erotic Cloth. Bloomsbury.
Harper, C. (2014) Sex, birth and nurture unto death: patching together quilted bed covers. In: Love objects: emotion, design and material culture. Bloomsbury Publishing Company, London, pp. 31-40. ISBN 9780857858467
Harper, C. (2012) Introduction: patch four. In: Textiles: critical and primary sources. Vol. 4, Identity. Berg Publishers, London. ISBN 9780857850515
Harper, C. (2012) Introduction: patch one. In: Textiles: primary and critical courses. Vol. 1, History, curation. Berg Publishers, London, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780857850485
Harper, C. (2012) Introduction: patch three. In: Textiles: critical and primary sources. Vol. 3, Science and technology. Berg Publishers, London. ISBN 9780857850508
Harper, C. (2012) Introduction: patch two. In: Textiles: critical and primary sources. Vol. 2, Production (including sustainability). Berg Publishers, London. ISBN 9780857850492
Harper, C. (2012) Meditation on translation and seduction. In: The textile reader. Berg Publishers, Oxford, pp. 27-32. ISBN 9781847886347
Harper, C. (2009) Double dresses for double brides. In: Fashion in fiction: text and clothing in literature, film and television. Berg Publishers, London, pp. 105-113. ISBN 9781847883575
Harper, C. (2005) Meditation on translation and seduction. In: 21;21:the textile vision of Reiko Sudo and Nuno. University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, pp. 33-37. ISBN 9780954628598
Harper, C. (2016) Land, cloth, body and culture. Discussion Paper. University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth.
Harper, C. (2017) Rosabeth M. Kanter’s mantra – Show up. Speak up. Look up.Team up.Never give up. Lift others up. In: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, Aurora Conference, June 2017, London. (Unpublished)
Harper, C. (2017) Building Bridges. In: The Association of National Teaching Fellows Conference, May 2017, Leeds Beckett.
Harper, C. (2016) The stained and bloodied cloths of Ireland. In: In this place: Cumulus Association Biannual International Conference, 27 April - 1 May 2016, School of Art & Design, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Harper, C. (2015) The shirt off your back, Jack, James and Bobby. In: The erotic cloth: Seduction and fetishism, 20 March 2015, The Art Workers' Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AT. (Unpublished)
Harper, C. (2012) Textiles: critical and primary sources. Berg Publishers. ISBN 9780857850485
Harper, C. (2007) Intersex. Berg Publishers. ISBN 9781845201821
Harper, C. (2008) Candy, cakes, purls and pixels. . (Unpublished)