The open access repository for the University of Chichester's research outputs.
Fenton, Sally A. M.
[2] research outputsDuda, J. L., Kitas, G. D., Ntoumanis, N., Yu, C.-a., Rouse, P. C., Metsios, G. S., Veldhuijzen Van Zanten, J. J. C. S. and Fenton, S. A. al (2020) Testing a self-determination theory-based process model of physical activity behavior change in rheumatoid arthritis: results of a randomized controlled trial. Translational Behavioral Medicine, ibaa02. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1869-6716
Fenton, S. A. M., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S., Kitas, G. D., Duda, J. L., Rouse, P. C., Yu, C.-a. and Metsios, G. al (2017) Sedentary behaviour is associated with increased long-term cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis independently of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 18 (131). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2474
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